Captured By Riddler

After the smoke cleared Akashiri jumped towards Riddler and tried to slice off his as. But as he tried this Riddler's skin hardened, chopping Akashiri's sword. This shocked Akashiri. Riddler almost punched Akashiri in the face but Cross elbowed him in the back knocking him to the side. The airships landed down and at least hundreds of soldiers came out of each airship. All the soldiers had lethal guns. "Are you really going to attack me again?" A captain appeared in front of Cross and focused his aura around his body. He fired a orange blast at Cross who sliced the half and punched the captain in the face. The captain took the fucking punch like a man. He headbutted Cross making his vision blurry. He raised off the ground and smashed on the ground coughing up blood. "Your attacks are useless." The name of that captain was Charlos. Cross got on his feet and fired dozens of blasts at Charlos who walked in. front the blasts and allowed them to hit him. Like Riddler Charlos skin harden. Charlos flickered and punched Cross in the juggler. This stun Cross and gave Charlos the opportunity to harden his fist and punch Cross. He did this pounded his fist into Cross's face knocking him out cold.