Cosmic Energy

Cross and Sarah's House...

The Guerilla Squad had to be dealt with. Cross worried. He had encountered Ace but he did not have a proper fight with him. Ace had just kicked him through a school bus filled with children who almost lost their lives. Cross walked outside and closed his eyes to pick up any unfamiliar spiritual essences. He did pick up something but it was just a pigeon. When he walked back into the house he suddenly felt a jolt in the back of his head. He was being shocked. It was the same high tech robot Spade unleashed. How the fuck did the robot know who the hell he was and where the hell he was? Cross tumbled back forward a little and turned around the face the robot. It was all of gone. He could not pick up any spiritual essenc because it was a machine built in with metal and highly advanced technology The Robot just wanted to test his much pain Cross could take. The robot tried to attack him again but he grabbed it by the throat and threw into a fire hydrant busting it open spraying water all over the street. "Where did you come from?" "All hostiles must be destroyed." The robot got up and tumbled to the sides bit. The metal on the back of the robot was scratched up with small metal pieces coming off of it. The robot then charged a beam from it's chest that opened. A red beam shot towards Cross. The sound of the beam caught everyone's attention making them come outside. The robot did not use regular energy. It used cosmic energy. Cosmic energy is at least twice as stronger than regular energy in power plants. The red beam was grabbed by Cross. The beam was burning away his flesh on his hands. He threw it into the sky. The beam exploded causing a powerful shockwave to occur. "System is overheating." The robot closed it's weapon compartment which leaked blue liquid. The robot's hand then turned into a plasma gun. Cross what the fuck is this thing?! yelled Sarah. Lucia, Jessica, and Naomi all stared at the robot amazed as how much power it contained in it's metal body.