Tyrus Arrives

Tyrus had just made it to Earth. His ship instantly camouflaged turning invisible. The ship landed in Manhattan. Tyrus had detected that two members of the Guerilla Squad were in Manhattan. He would later go to the other members. When his ship landed on the ground he opened the door and walked out. He uniform was quite the same. He walked around and saw a homeless person talking to himself. When the homeless person saw Tyrus he started to say wierd fucking things. "Are you a demon from the fiery gates of hell?!" Tyrus walked past the homeless man and said: "No, but the one's I am about to kill will be tormented by the demon's from hell." Tyrus took a object out of his pocket and tossed it to the homeless man. He gave him a grenade with a red light on it. "Use it wisely." Tyurs was about to walk out the alley until he heard a load bang. Tyrus still had evil inside of him with a little bit of good. When he turned around the homeless man's body parts were all over the place leaking blood on the ground. He giggled and left the alley. Tyrus walked out of the alley and saw a lot of people. The area was surround with good and bad smells. The alley he just walked out of smelled like garbage and piss.

Ace was eating a breakfast burrito on top of the Empire State building. As he was about to take the last bite, he started to feel pain in his chest. He instantly dropped the breakfast burrito almost falling off the Empire State Building. His eyes started to bleed. "Gah!!" His insides were boiling up.