The Coming Of The Next War

When the smoke from The Blessing Of The Majestic Angel technique cleared up, Hyundai's body was seen on the ground charred with dried blood all over his body. Iracus was still alive somehow. He coughed up blood with his vision disappearing. He dropped on the ground gritting his teeth. The entire Linear Kingdom was now in ruins, up in smoke. Iracus closed his eyes passing out. A gigantic airship could be seen. It was the king of Linear who was with Elliot. When King Linear walked out of the airship he looked around his kingdom that he saw that was in ruins. He bent down on picked up charred pieces of wood. He opened his hand allowing the wind to blow the charred pieces of wood out of his hand. He saw Hyundai's body and saw his cloak on the side. He realized that Hyundai was one of the leaders of the infamous Resistance that was trying to take over his kingdom. He walked up to Iracus"s body and saw that he was still moving. He instructed some of his soldiers to place his body in his airship. Elliot looked at Hyundai and saw that he suffered. He then saw that he was missing an arm. Elliot had no idea that Grey was still. Elliot would be pissed if he found out of he was still alive.