Archibald Archipelago

Hanzo and Baldur got away from the Isle Of Zero Celsius and made it to the capital Of The Council Of Fate E.mpire, Archibald Archipelago. Hanzo and Baldur were going to the vice main leader of The Council Of Fate Empire. Hanzo looked around the Archibald Archipelago. The place was majestic with not one speck of dust laying around. Hanzo and Baldur went into the manor where Bishop vacated in. Bishop was eating a giant buttermilk biscuit with a giant stick of butter middle, with a giant block of cheese that had been melted from the heat of the buttermilk biscuit. He took a bite out of the giant buttermilk biscuit chewy hit up swallowing it before breathing heavily. It was one of the best and favorite things he enjoyed eating. When he saw Hanzo Hattori and Baldur he took one last bite from the giant buttermilk biscuit before crossing it to the side to servants who fought over the remaining remnants of the giant buttermilk biscuit.

"You must be the legendary assassin, Hanzo Hattori." "My superior requested that you joined us to help us destroy the Resistance." Coming to the Archibald Archipelago is saying that you have agreed to help us." "Yes.". " "I am always up to defeat and kill someone who thinks they are strong." "I am sure that you will not be disappointed."


Leonard threw both of the electric beams at Python who evaded both of them. Both of the beams turned around as if they were heat-seeking. Python grabbed both of the beams absorbing the energy. "Using useless machines will not help you in battle." Leonard began smiling. "You are one ignorant bastard." Leonard took off one of his electric shock gloves forming aura around his hand. His aura formed into a sword almost resembling a seventeenth century sword.