Minions Of Arachne

The entire first floor was dark. The giant door closed behind him and enclosed him in darkness. He didn't have a thermal vision but he still could take out his enemies. Lucky for him the lights suddenly turned on. He looked around and saw that he was surrounded by minions of Arachne. The minions of Arachne were robotic spiders that had humanoid tops. One of them who acted as the captain who looked like a bull stood in front of his comrades and looked at Shade in disgust. The bull stood up to 8 feet and weighed 570 pounds. "How did a scrawny pretty boy fellow like you get past the Death Strike Task Force Team soldiers?" Shade didn't answer him. "It is very rude to not answer somebody when they are talking to you." said bull spider cyborg. "Look asshole I only came to the Eastern Corridor for one thing." "To take out your boss, The Fisherman." The bull spider cyborg began laughing. " You are quite the comedian!" Suddenly the bull spider tried to grab Shade, but Shade reacted quickly and sliced off one of the bull spider cyborg's arm. The arm flew into the air and blood spewed everywhere. The bull spider cyborg began screaming. Shade then lopped off the bull spider cyborg's head. 30 of Arachne"s minions ran towards Shade. Shade began running. He ran on the flight of stairs. When all 30 of the of Arachne"s minions were on the flight of stairs he destroyed the flight of stairs causing them to go fall on their heads. Since they had spider legs couldn't get up.

He ran all the way to the fifth floor which was like outside. The fifth floor was futuristic .