Horrible Flashs

Ever since Orion came to The Chosen Mountain he acting extremely strange. He looked up the Chosen Mountain and stain on the ground. He started to feel pain in his head. Suddenly flashes of the echoed through in his mind. Kill. Kill. Kill!" Those were the words of Jon Zen. In actuality, Jon Zen didn't die from natural causes. At least ten years ago after Yun Xing left, Jon Zen and Orion Zen went on a dangerous mission only a madman would try to successfully complete. When Jon and Orion were having lunch, lower monks were sent to kill Jon. However, they were easily stained by Orion. In order to destroy all of the monks, Jon decided to open a portal to The Realm Of Valadin. The monks of Chosen Mountain were long time enemies of The Zen Clan whose homeland was the Zen Continent. Since Jon didn't want to stay in the Zen Continent decided to leave and spread his arts of kung-fu. Leaving was not illegal but spreading secrets of deathly kung-fu was. He killed one of his comrades he knew since he was a toddler and left never returning. When they finally entered The Realm Of Valadin and made it to the Chosen Mountain, they infiltrated the place and killed much lower monks. It seemed as if Jon and Orion would be victorious but they were dead wrong. Jon was overwhelmed and killed by one of The High Monks of The Chosen Mountain, Noir, also Shenzhou"s master. Orion went up against Shenzhou who was a fierce and powerful foe. He believed that he killed Orion. Orion somehow escaped and opened his own dojo and founded his own style of kung-fu 9 years later.