
Feng quickly turned around and placed his arm in the way of Takeo"s ninja sword. Takeo"s sword was lodged between Feng"s muscles. " Such trickery," said Feng. Feng already knew he was fighting a clone the entire time. He stuck out his finger and sliced Takeo"s face. Blood squirted everywhere. "You surely are a member of The Hitoshi Ninja Clan." "I have used 20% of my power." I will not use the other 80% of my power on you." " You are no worth it." Because if I used 30% you would have been a blood smear." Feng turned his back on Takeo and said: "Consider yourself lucky." Feng suddenly disappeared without leaving a trace.

Orion"s Location...

Orion was ready to depart from The Zen Clan. Tetsuo wasn't the leader of The Zen Clan. He had the thought in his head that he was the leader. He sat in his chambers. He was in his Jade Chambers. He was smoking weed. He blew smoke out of his mouth and nostrils. He placed a grin on his face. He placed his pipe on the ground and began training 3 hours passed. He halted his training and took a shower. He placed his clothes and dropped on his bed. He went into his body.