In League With The Chameleon

The killer went into an alley and revealed himself. It was Veil Zen. He crumbled the dirty black coat into a ball, tossing it to the side. He killed Silver for a specific reason. The veil was secretly in league with The Chameleon. He had known him since he was a little kid. The Chameleon was disguised as a little kid to steal ancient Zen Clan scrolls. He was almost killed by Feng, but Veil saved his life. The Chameleon owed his life to Veil. Veil came out from the alley scaring some of the merchants. Most of the merchants hated Veil but they also envied him. Veil went to get some food. His favourite food was pizza. He went to get some at his favourite restaurant. Antonio's. He began devouring pizza as if there was no tomorrow. After eating the pieces he had grease all over his hands and face. He used napkins to get rid of the grease. He licked his teeth and got out of the pub. After killing Silver, he went to the meeting place. The Death Woods. He patiently waited for The Chameleon. The Chameleon suddenly came out from the disgusting lake with a smile on his face.