Execution Interrupted

It was the next day. The blood on Cross, Orion, and John's body was dried up. They were in the City Council Auditorium. All the nobles and lords who were in The Coliseum had angry looks on their faces. Some of them had bandages wrapped around their bodies. Inside the City Council Auditorium was gigantic. Over 2,000 lords and nobles attended. Cross, Orion, and John were on the ground, facing the crowd. The ground he sat on was white and made of marble. To the side of them were two Malar guards that held laser launchers. One of the guards was the same guard that dumped their food on the ground when they were a prison.

He had the same fireball tattoo on his neck. John wanted him dead so badly. They had serious expressions on their faces. The one who would execute them was Axel. He wore an all-white suit, holding a mike. His orange hair was pulled in a top knot. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen!" "Welcome to the execution of the intruders, Cross Rodriguez, John Rodriguez, and Orion Zen!" "They ones resemble for your children and loved ones' death!" "Do you want to see them die before your eyes?!" "Yes!" yelled the crowd. "Cut off their fucking heads!" "Oh yes, we will." "But before that, they must be tortured." "This year we are doing something different." "If you look at the side of your chairs you will see a white paper with a specific number on it." I will call out your number and you will be selected to torture any one of these intruders. "Make them pay for killing your loved ones!" The crowd began cheering. "Now I will spin my giant lucky draw filled with each and every one of your numbers here!"

Axel began spinning the giant lucky draw. He opened the lucky draw and pulled out a small piece of white paper with the number 45 on it. "Number 45!" yelled Axel. Number 45 was a little girl with brown hair dressed in a red fashioned dress. "Well, well." "Are you ready to torture one of these stinking bastards little girl." The little girl smiled and said: " Yes!" Axel ordered the two guards to unveil the torture devices wrapped in a blue blanket. The little girl had a smile on her face. "Pick any weapon you want," said Axel who had a smile on her face. She randomly picked a dagger. "That's a nice sharp dagger little girl." "Now, are you ready?" The little girl nodded. "Aim for any spot you want." Make anyone of them pay.

The little girl began skipping back and forth. She picked John. She drove the dagger in his chest. John let out a loud scream. Blood squirted into the little girl's face. She began screaming in fright. As her mother and father came to wipe the blood off her face, she said: That was for my little brother Max you piece of shit. She spat in John's face. As her parents took her back to her seat, she began crying. The little girl was in remorse. John wasn't mad. He completely understood what she was going through. Over 30 minutes passed. Cross, Orion, and John were tortured repeatedly. They all were breathing heavily.

They all had many torture devices lodged in their muscles. "Now is everybody satisfied?!" yelled Axel. The crowd began yelling. Time for the execution process. Axel took the mike from his mouth and signalled 1the guard who eating a piece of chocolate cake. The guard was the same guard with the fireball on his neck. He quickly devoured the chocolate cake. He kicked Cross in his back causing him to fall on his chin. "So good night." The guard pointed his laser launcher at Cross"s head. As he was about to squeeze the trigger of his laser launcher, a Kunai was thrown into the guard"s neck. The guard began staggering. He collapsed on his knees and died instantly. "Up there!" yelled the guard who was pointy at the window on the 10th floor which was open. Suddenly the ground began shaking terrifying the lords and nobles. The wall suddenly collapsed.