A Female Guerilla

At least 2 hours passed since the hazardous poisonous gas was released into the air. When Akashiri woke up he had many dead birds and a sabertooth near him. When he took his face out of the snow he easily began coughing up chunks of blood. As he noticed the dead bodies, he quickly ripped off his right sleeve wrapping it around his nose and mouth like a mask. He now knew killing Iverson was a bad idea. Over 5,000 people's lives were in danger. As he heard a nearby convoy coming he instantly hid. He ran behind a boulder covered in snow. The convoy consisted of 5 hefty, burly Zero Militia soldiers equipped with miniguns, 2 Zero Militia tanks, 20 on foot soldiers, and a giant motor vehicle piloted by 3 pilots. Inside the giant motor vehicle laid a lieutenant of the Zero Militia, Zimmerman, a cold-hearted elf that believes in justice and purifying the world of tainted evil. Zimmerman acquired the power level of 3,000,000,000,000. He also was immune to pain and any type of poison. They were looking for Iverson's corpse. Zimmerman wanted to retrieve the canister that resided next to his chest. A hidden tracking device laid inside the canister. Zimmerman carried a compass that would allow him to find Iverson's body. "Stop." As the huge motor vehicle stopped, the entire convoy stopped. Zimmerman opened the hard steel door, walking outside in the tainted atmosphere. Zimmerman's kneeled and looked down. As he pointed the compass down, it began acting crazy. Down there. Zimmerman spat on the ground and took a deep breath. As Zimmerman turned he spotted multiple guerillas. He suddenly was shot in the shoulder. He began snickering as he easily took the bullet out of his shoulder, splattering blood all over his clothes. Akashi was still hiding suddenly felt a knife pressed up against his back. Don't move. "Get up." As he turned around he immediately knew that the guerilla that pressed a knife up against his back was a woman. She had a mask covering her entire face. Give money and your sword. Akashiri snickered. She shoved his hand in his back pocket pulling out a hefty stack of Goblet he acquired from the Zero Militia soldiers including Iverson who was cocky and talked a big game. As he handed the female guerilla his money, he quickly round housed her in her face revealing her eyes which bright bluish colours. As she wiped the blood from his nose, a powerful extremely bright light come out of her eyes which temporarily blinded Akashiri causing to see nothing but white. The female guerilla managed to take Akashiri's money and sword. As Akashiri howled in pain, he instantly shoved his entire face in the snow, taking away the burning from his eyes. Blood was leaking out of his eyes. His vision was now blurred. The only way he would be able to see was to do the technique called Cat's Eye, which almost every Hitoshi Ninja novice could have learned. As he activated the technique he saw where to guerilla was. She was climbing up a nearby cliff into a cave. Akashiri was furious. He ran towards the cliff leaping to the top, easily catching up with the guerilla. As the guerilla turned around, she threw smoke bombs at him. You will never catch me!" Akashiri snickered. "You are way over your head woman. Akashiri leaped towards the family guerilla rustling her to the ground. Inside the cave was hazardous gas free so Akashiri could remove his mask. He took off the female guerilla's mask revealing. She was very beautiful. She had medium-length black hair, with blue eyes. She had a silver nose ring in her left nostril. She had to be in her mid-20s. Akashiri was stunned by her beauty. The female guerilla emitted out another bright by from her eyes. Luckily for Akashiri his perfect parry was effective and when using a sword. He parried the beam of light with his fists. The beam of white light parried into the ceiling of the cave. The light was so bright the piece of ice cracked off the ceiling. The ice almost smashed on Akashiri's head. As he rolled out of the way a bomb was thrown at Akashiri. He didn't have time to dodge the bomb. As the explosion occurred, Akashiri was lifted off his feet, smashing into the walls of the cave, coughing up blood. As he looked up, a knife was pressed up against his neck. Oh how the tables have turned"