To Sneak Into Dragic Castle

Akashi unsheathed his sword and examined it. He saw a very tiny scratch on the tip. He paid no mind to the scratch, placing his sword back in its sheath. Before he walked out of the cave, he wrapped the sleeve around his nose and mouth. As he stepped out of the cave he was punched in the chest by a heavy Zero Militia soldier. A couple of his ribs were broken. He smashed into a hard made of ice. He wiped the blood away from his mouth and looked up. Zimmerman walked in front of 2 heavy Zero Militia soldiers with his hands behind his back with a serious expression on his face. " If my calculations are correct, you are the one who killed officer Iverson." "Do you see what you have caused?" Akashiri spat up blood, and drew his sword, dashing past Zimmerman who was chopped in half. Blood splattered everywhere. Zimmerman began laughing as he regenerated. " You can't kill me." No one can." Zimmerman quickly turned around and pulled out a plasma handgun, shooting Akashiri 4 times. Akashiri endured the pain, wrestling Zimmerman to thr ground, smashing his head repeatedly on the ice. Zimmerman managed to overpower, Akashiri tossing him to the side. Zimmerman reloaded his plasma handgun with more deathly plasma energy which was red instead of blue. As Zimmerman placed his right index finger on the trigger of his plasma handgun, a giant red beam began charging up. Akashiri quickly pulled out his sword so he could parry it. As the red beam enclosed on Akashiri, he parried it into the ceiling of the cave which caused the cave to cave in on top of Zimmerman and the 2 heavy Zero Militia soldiers who crushed and buried under the ice. Akashiri walked out of the collapsed cave breathing heavily. He plopped his back on the snow, staring at the sky. He had to get back on track. He needed to track down Victor Zen. As he was about to stand up, a sensed a power level nearby. As he turned around he saw Charlotte who already somehow looted all the dead bodies of her former guerilla allies and the entire Zero Militia convoy. I told we would be meet each soon." Akashiri scoffed. Why are you still in this area?" " I thought you would be long gone by now." I am a guerilla." " We don't leave an area without looting it." I can tell you are not from around here so what brings you to The Isle Of Zero Degrees Celsius?" Akashiri cleared his throat kneeling down and on knee rubbing some thick red salt into his fingers. I didn't come here by choice. Victor Zen the swordsman that holds the title for the number 1 swordsman of the world brought me here so we can duel. He ended up defeating me and left at the bottom of the lake. And now- Boring!!" shouted Charlotte. Just so boring! Come on let's have some fun!" Let's raid a village, let's sneak into Dragic's Castle!" Akashiri began shaking his head. You sure are a hyperactive woman." said Akashiri. Fine." We will sneak into Dragic's Castle per your request." Both Akashiri and Charlotte walked into the heated motor vehicle. Inside the heated motor vehicle laid the 2 pilots that had their throat' slit. Akashiri tossed the bodies outside, placed the heated motor vehicle and autopilot and set it on for Dragic Castle. As both Akashiri and Charlotte went on their way, Zimmerman burst out of the rubble from the cave with a fit of rage. His clothes were ripped and torn. He was covered in blood. He stumbled down the cliff looking around thr area to see if anybody from the convoy was still alive. It was a total massacre. No one was alive. As he was about to grab one of the guerilla motorcycles, to head for Dragic Castle, he began hearing loud whimpering and screams. He went to the area where he heard the screaming and saw that it was a guerilla who had his legs blown off. Zimmerman kicked the guerilla on his back and said: I know you are not much of help to me but have you seen a man carrying a sword with a white hilt. The guerilla wasn't speaking English. The guerilla was in an elf, speaking ancient Elf tongue. *"':;!?+-&%$#@?" The guerilla didn't know what he was talking about. Useless." He shot the guerilla in the head. Blood and brains splattered everywhere.