Finally Arrivements

Alana quickly grabbed Orion's hand. He pulled her up using his immense strength. As she was on safe ground's she had a sign of relief and confinement on her face. " Why did you help me?" Orion looked at her beginning to shake his head. " You don't pose as a threat to me so I have decided to beat the shit out of you like I did your comrades." Alana was growing angry. " What the fuck is that suppose to mean?" " Just because I'm a woman you can't take me seriously?!" Orion began laughing. " That's not what I meant. " I know a lot of powerful women that can beat the shit out of a lot of guys with ease. However, you don't compare. " That's why you don't pose as a threat. " Now you understand?" " You make it sound like I'm sexist." " I'm not. Alana sucked her teeth, beginning to walk away from Orion. " Where are you going?" asked Orion. " Why do you care?!" " You aren't my husband or father!" Orion shook his head left and right. " Women." As she took one more step, she was shot in the ribcage. He instantly puked up chunks of blood. Orion's eye's widened. He instantly rushed to her aid. The bullet inside her body was 5 inches. It was a sniper rifle bullet that was fired from a stealth sniper rifleman who was hired by Jon to kill any captain of the guard who was defeated by Cross or Orion. Orion already knew the sniper's location. He fired multiple beams at a rock pile that was close to where the giant steel bridge once laid.