Time And Space

The force of the barrier behind destroyed caused Guy to crash through a tree. Cirdan pulled out a cigarette, lighting it with a match he always kept by his left ear. He took three tokes on the cigarette before tossing it into the brown bushes, starting a small fire. As Guy stood on his feet, he clutched his ribs. He had a vast splinter lodged between his ribs. When he was about to rip the splinter out of his ribs, Cirdan suddenly appeared behind him, front kicking him in his back, fracturing his spinal cord. " What is this?" asked Cirdan. I thought you were going to show me your power instead of running and placing obstacles in front of me so you can escape." Putting up obstacles will not stop me from bringing you to justice. " Anyone with a brain could have told you that." Guy a serious expression on his face.

He was sweating profusely. He was scared and frighten for his life. Guy saw what Cirdan could do." He saw what he did to every last soldier in his army." He brutally murdered them without any remorse. An idea suddenly popped into Guy's head. " You're the one every calls The Menace?" Am I correct?" asked Guy. Cirdan sighed. Yes." What of it?" Guy began snickering. Obviously, you don't know who I am." said Guy. Cirdan began shaking his head. I know who you and what you are. You're just a cowardly Industrial Elf who should just crawl in a corner and die." Just seeing your face makes me want to kill you." Cirdan had an elven sword behind his waist made from the finest elven blacksmith, in the country. Cirdan unsheathed his sword. He leaped towards Guy. Guy quickly snapped his fingers, causing a stone pillar to burst out of the ground and attack Cirdan's stomach. Cirdan vomited up chunks of blood.

While Cirdan was recovering, Guy snapped his fingers once again. Cirdan looked into the sky and noticed a meteorite. The meteorite crashed on the ground, coming in contact with Cirdan's entire body, setting him on fire. An explosion packed with a crater occurred. Guy walked towards the edge of the crater, kneeling down with a wicked smile on his face. He noticed the lit cigarette in the nearby bushes. He picked it up and shoved it in his mouth, lighting it with the fire from his fingertips. Smoke started to erode out of the crater. Guy tried to pick up Cirdan's life energy but couldn't. Tsk." I hope you're dead." When he turned around, he suddenly heard Cirdan's wicked loud laugh. " You didn't think it would be that easy you wouldn't you?" Even though Guy heard Cirdan's loud laugh and voice, he couldn't see him anywhere nearby. " Where the fuck are you?!" yelled Guy. Oh, you don't need to worry about that." I have something special planned for you." I think you'll like it." Guy now was focused and his surroundings.

Cirdan could pop up at any minute. He snapped his fingers, causing two sets of eyes to appear behind his head full of hair. There still wasn't any sign of him. As Guy closed his eyes and snapped his fingers, he sighed. As he reopened his eyes, Cirdan appeared in front of him, driving his elbow in his chest. His chest cage was smashed into a million pieces like glass. Guy collapsed his knees, puking stomach bile, spit, and blood. That was Cirdan's hardest hit yet. Guy felt as if his chest was on fire. You see?" You just a weakling!!" Cirdan kicked Guy in the face. His nose was shattered. Over 10 bones in his face were broken. Guy smashed through 2 trees. Guy's body was shutting down. He was going to kill Guy. He was just going to hurt him real bad so he could resist. Cirdan walked towards the barely conscious Guy, grabbing him by his hair. He pulled out his sword once more, about to stab Guy in his chest. He was going to go against his mother's rules. However before these events could happen, Guy snapped his fingers once again. This time he made a giant black hole come out of nowhere. Cirdan's eyes out of his head.

He was in shock. The reason Cirdan was shocked because he knew Guy could easily have killed him 5 minutes ago. This made him pissed. He needed e wanted to become strong. When Cirdan was about to say something, a tree that was being pulled into the black hole, bashed Cirdan in the face, causing him to be sucked into the hole along with all the rubble and debris around the area. Guy waved his hand, dispersing the black hole. Guy stood on his feet, clutching his chest and ribs. Guy might of had deathly amazing power, but he didn't have regeneration abilities. He was losing blood. His vision was fading. Guy collapsed on his knees, vomiting up more blood. He knew he was about to pass out. Guy quickly randomly opened a portal, crawling into it, leaving a blood trail. AS he finished crawling into the portal, it dispersed and evaporated into the air like steam.

All the ruckus and commotion alerted a group of nearby elven soldiers. They were confused. They saw no sign of any lifeforms. When they were about to leave, the ground suddenly began shaking and rumbling. The soldiers quickly turned around, a rift was torn in the thin air. Cirdan walked out of the rift, angrily. Even though no one really knew about Cirdan's abilities, one of his abilities was that he could travel through time and space. This was the reason why he could escape a blackhole with ease. Cirdan was muttering obscenities. Motherfucker throwing me into a black hole. When I see you again I will rib off your head and stomp into the fucking ground!!!!" " You're dead!!!" When Cirdan was trying to walk away from the area, an Elven soldier bumped into him. He wasn't in the mood. He grabbed the soldier by the throat, lifting him off his feet, snapping his neck like a twig. Cirdan then tossed the soldier's corpse to the side. This made the people even more afraid of him.