The Frivolous Brother

Arsenio on the other hand idolized his brother Hendrix. He loved him. He wanted to become him. Since Arsenio wasn't like Ragnar, Hendrix trusted him dearly. He was his brother for godsakes. He made him one of the many generals in his army. Even though Hendrix gave Arsenio a position in his army, Arsenio wanted more. He believed and knew he deserved more. He was the youngest out of his 2 brothers. Arsenio is a very jealous person. His skin color was purple, his hair was slicked back and white, and he wore Industrial Elven armor. He carried 2 handguns, a plasma rifle, a couple of bombs, and knives. Arsenio didn't use energy attacks. They were useless to him. He didn't believe in them. He said they consumed too much of his energy or some stupid shit. This was why no one took him seriously. Not even the civilians. The civilians called him The Frivolous. Hearing this name made him pissed. He wanted to kill every single civilian.

However, that would make his older brother made. He wouldn't dare upset The Industrial King. He would strip him from his position and have him thrown in the dungeon. Hendrix actually cared for his people. This was why Ragnar called Hendrix soft as a feather stuffed pillow.