A Proud Warrior

Jesse slowly opened the door. Jesse had a burger in his right hand and a milkshake in the other. The hotel they were in was now much cheaper. Even though the hotel was much cheaper, the diner across the street served some good food. Jesse also carried a bag. He went to buy food for his father. " I came to ask you if you wanted a chicken salad or a cheeseburger." Jesse handed the bag to Cross. Cross looked into the bag and sighed. Neither." The only thing I want inside this bag is these bottles of water. Jesse was confused. " What's the matter, dad?" Something wrong with the food?" Cross raised his eyebrow and started scratching his head. " Oh, no." Nothing wrong with the food." I just finally decided to indefinitely cut out fatty foods and snacks." From now on I will eat only fruits, vegetables, and nuts." So, can I have the food?" Cross sucked his teeth. Didn't you hear what I say?" I'm said I cutting out fatty foods and snacks for good!" That means you can have the food." Jesse's face lit up with excitement. He dumped the bottles of water on the ground and grabbed the food, quickly running out of the room and slamming it behind his back.

Cross picked up 2 bottles of water off the ground twisted the bottle caps off of them, causing them to spin into the air like frisbees. He stretched open his mouth and guzzled down the water without breaking. As he swallowed the water it felt like it dropped into his stomach like a weight. Cross's stomach started to growl like a lion. " Damn I surely hungry." I would do anything to get a slice of pizza right now." As Cross continued to listen to his stomach growl, Sarah walked into the room. She just came from training with Charlotte. She was quite tired. Her body was drenched in sweat. As she saw Cross with a mean expression on his face, she wanted to know what was going on. Cross what's the matter?" Cross quickly erased the mean expression on his face. " What?" Oh, it's nothing." I just slept horribly last night." " That's all." Sarah walked towards the fridge and pulled out a vanilla energy drink. I'm going to take a shower." Will you like to join me?" Cross started smiling. He slowly turned his head completely around. Sure." Why not?" Cross quickly undressed down to his Calvin Klein drawers and joined Sarah in the hot shower. They had some of the best sex of their lives. As they stepped out of the shower they decided they were going to watch some tv. " So." What shall we watch?" asked Cross. Sarah couldn't decide. Check to see if they have any romantic comedies." Those are some of my favorite movies to watch." Cross scanned through the movies and found a romantic comedy named Banged Up, that reminded Cross of a low-budget version of Knocked Up with Seth Rogen and Katherine Hiegel.

Commander Fox's Location, Inside King Hendrix's chambers.

King Hendrix was alerted that there was a dragon outside the barrier. King Hendrix summoned Fox. As Fox arrived he had a smile on his face. " What seems to be troubling you, your highness?" King Hendrix guzzled down his golden wine glass filled with white wine. He managed not to burp. " I'm pretty sure you know that a dragon is outside the barrier trying to break in and kill us all." Fox started nodding. " Yes." I'm aware of the threat." Well since you are aware of the threat I want you to deal with it." Fox was confused. " Why should I do it?" King Hendrix couldn't believe his ears. " What did you just say?" Fox realized his mistake. Nothing." King Hendrix sucked his teeth. " That's what I thought. You do what I tell you because I'm your leader." If you don't like it I will have to you have castrated." How long have you known me?" Fox sighed. " Years." Fox cleared his throat. " Forgive me, your highness." Sometimes I don't pay attention to the words coming out of my mouth." King Hendrix sucked his teeth. " Just get the fuck out of here and deal with it."

Fox bowed and left the throne room. King Hendrix started snickering. He knew he had to keep tabs on Fox. He could betray him at any moment. While he sent Fox to deal with the dragon bashing its head up against the thick indescribable barrier, he stood up from the throne room and cracked his knuckles. He had to find out why and how the dragons returned. Someone or something had the power to bring them back from the dead. King Hendrix walked out of the throne room and stepped into his private barracks. King Hendrix ripped the heavy lock off the barracks room and kicked the door off the hinges. Inside King Hendrix's room was filled with hundreds of weapons and armor of invulnerability and destruction. However, the most precious thing in the barracks was King Hendrix's prized possession that made King Hendrix the man who he was today. This prized possession was the Industrial King's Core." The Industrial King's Core was the key to the legendary Industrial King's armor. The legendary Industrial King's armor was originally made for the king and ruler of all dragons, Libelle. Libelle was a huge white dragon that was believed to be the mother of all dragons. And the story was true. 100 percent true However before Libelle could wear the armor she suddenly disappeared without leaving a trace. The only thing she left was eggs. She was asexual. This meant that every dragon that ever lived was related. KIng Hendrix tossed the core and the ground and stomped it to pieces. King Hendrix then stormed out of his barracks room and returned to his throne room.

Fox's location..

Fox managed to walk outside of the barrier. For some reason, Fox developed the ability to breathe underwater over the years while fought and nearly died from fighting dragons. His swimming ability also greatly increased to the mass. Fox swam to the top of the giant barrier, swimming behind Typhoon. Typhoon was still smashing his head across the thick barrier. Typhoon suddnely stopped when he felt that someone was behind him. He slowly swam around the opposite way. " Who the hell are you?" Fox started smiling. Fox reached into his pocket and pulled out a grenade. He loaded his hand grenade launcher and aimed it at Typhoon's head. Typhoon started laughing. " What do you think you're going to do with that?" You don't scare me." No one can scare me." Fox squeezed the trigger of his hand grenade launcher. The hand grenade burst out of the launcher. The grenade connects with Typhoon's head. An explosion occurred. Smoke surrounded his head.

Fox reloaded his hand grenade launcher and fired another round at Typhoon's head. This time Typhoon was on point. He swiftly dodged the hand grenade, opening his mouth revealing his long and razor-sharp teeth, nearly bitting Fox in half. Fox quickly swam out of the way. As Typhoon looked at Fox he remembered who he was. " What a minute." I remember you." Fox was confused. " Oh no, you don't. " This is the first time we have met each other." No." I remember you!" You were the one who killed Thunder." I clearly remember your face." However, you now look horrible." Back then you were a young man." Now you're an old man who doesn't want to retire." I will make you pay for what you did to my comrade." I will do it if it's the last thing I do!" Typhoon started roaring. Fox started smiling as he saw this as an advantage. He fired a grenade into Typhoon's throat. Even though Typhoon's mouth was big and large his throat was was very small. He could choke and the slightest thing. That was why all dragons chew up their food to paste so it could easily be digested. Typhoon was choking. Fox knew almost everything about dragons. He knew about their strengths and weaknesses. An explosion occurred into Typhoon's throat.

Typhoon crashed to the seafloor, rolling around in pain. As he screamed, huge air bubbles started coming out of his mouth and nostrils. Fox reached into his bag and pulled a grenade that had a smiley face on it. This grenade was called The Yellow Barrel. Fox twisted the Yellow Barrel and shoved it into his grenade launcher, aiming at Typhoon. He was about to recover, with a vengeance. As his eyes opened, they were all red. Typhoon around his mouth started to suck gallons of water into his mouth. Just as Fox was about to squeeze the trigger, Typhoon released the gallons of water out from his mouth. Water Cannon!" yelled Typhoon.

Fox had no way to evade the Water Cannon. When the Water Cannon reacted with Fox's body, his insides were turned to mush. Fox vomited up chunks of blood. The force of the water cannon caused Fox to be shot out of the sea into the air like a rocket. Typhoon followed him. Even though he didn't have any wings he still had the ability to fly. Typhoon flew up to the falling Fox and opened his mouth, just patiently waiting. The force of the attack caused Fox to lose consciousness. Fox regained consciousness and released what was about to happen. The armor Fox wore came with a jetpack. Fox used the jetpack to control his fall. He had to converse fuel. The jetpack wasn't full. It was half empty. Fox had something else for Typhoon.

Typhoon reached into his pocket and pulled out a blowdart, firing a lethal poison into Typhoon's forehead. The lethal poison dart had no effect whatsoever. Fox's eyes popped out of his head. He began to understand what was going on. When the dragons came back from the dead they didn't come back the same. They came back at least 20 times stronger than they originally were. Typhoon started laughing as he learned the dart didn't have any effect. Typhoon stretched out his tongue like a snake. Typhoon's snake-like tongue wrapped around Fox's body. It seemed as if it was no escape. But there was. Fox knew his forearm blade would come in handy. He sliced a part of Typhoon's tongue off. Green blood started splattering into Fox's face and mouth. He wanted to vomit. In fact, he did. Right into Typhoon's mouth. Typhoon started screaming. Fox smashed into the water. He fell from a high point in the sky so the water seemed as if it was concrete. He broke his real leg, damaged his fake leg, broke a couple of his ribs, dislocated his jaw, scrambled some of his brain matter in his head, eliminating emotions like anger, fear, happiness, sadness, and trust. Fox landed and sunk to the seafloor. His body was draped in the seaweed.

Typhoon really wanted to kill Fox now. He just made a lifetime enemy. Typhoon flew to the bottom of the seafloor beginning to search for Fox. Even though Fox was horribly injured this didn't stop him from not completing his tasks. His trump card was a highly advanced prototype plasma grenade he had in his possession for years upon years. He never used it because it was a prototype. However, since hundreds of years passed he no longer carried. He was the last soldier of his generation and team and he wanted to come out successful. He used his camouflaging talents to hide from the patrolling Typhoon. As Typhoon saw passed him he picked himself up off the seafloor and unwrapped the seaweed from around his body. He shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out the plasma grenade. Before he threw it he pressed the huge visible neon button. He tossed the plasma grenade at Typhoon's scales. The plasma grenade latched onto Typhoon's body like tar. Typhoon reacted at the last minute. Fox was about to pass out again. A giant underwater explosion occurred. A giant crater appeared under the ground. The force and soundwaves of the plasma grenade dispersed the giant barrier of the underwater city.