Sarah Escapes

Sarah was shocked. Have you been reading my mind this entire time?" Queen Ariel ate half of her banana split. " Yes is that a problem?" Sarah sighed. No, it's just whatever's going through my mind is my personal business." " I don't want anybody knowing what's going through my head." Sarah slid the rest of her ice cream across the bar and stood off the comfy stool and started walking out of the cold snack bar. Queen Ariel chased after Sarah. " Where are you going?" Something wrong with your ice cream." Sarah turned around and placed her hand on Queen Ariel's shoulder. " I just need a breath of fresh air." I'll be back." Sarah creaked open the frozen snack bar door and locked it behind her back. She walked onto the huge marble bridge that was built 500 feet into the air. Underneath the bridge laid a waterfall. Ideas started running through her head. She thought maybe she could escape by jumping off the bridge into the water. But one thing made the plan stupid. The landing wouldn't be soft. It would be hard like concrete. Only if she had a parachute to support her landing. She was about to walk back into the frozen snack bar until she saw a red flag that had the sigils of The Royal Elven Empire on it. The sigil was a shield and 2 crossed swords. She ripped the flag off the flag post and leaped onto the ledge of the marble bridge and jumped off, smooth sailing through the air with the right wind. She almost smashed up against the cliff, but used her legs so she wouldn't.

After 15 minutes, Sarah finally made it to the ground. She tossed the flag to the side and looked up at the frozen snack bar. She didn't know where Cross was, but she would do her best to find. Meanwhile back in the frozen snack bar, Queen Ariel was still waiting for Sarah to come back from her little fresh air break. She sighed and stood off the stool she sat on, quickly walking outside to call Sarah back in. This was when she realized she could never trust a stranger ever again. Sarah's sudden disappearance made Queen Ariel furious. This caused her to snap and place a bounty of 400,000 gold pieces on Sarah's head, captured alive.

Back in the North Wing Prison...

Edmund fully recovered from his minors injuries. Edmund had a streak of blood on the left side of his face. Hee stood on his feet and ripped off his shirt. All this noise Edmund was making caught Quincy's attention. He didn't have a single scratch on his body. Ah." I didn't think you would survive that punch." I'm a really surprised old-timer." Edmund had a serious expression on his face. Quincy quickly lunged towards Edmund, trying to grab a hold of his neck. Edmund evaded Quincy's attack without moving. It seemed as Quincy's hand phased through his body. Edmund snickered. Edmund turned around and drove his elbow into Quincy's face, knocking out a couple of his teeth. Some of Quincy's teeth came flying out of his mouth. He collapsed on his knees. Edmund then clenched his right hand into a fist and punched Quincy in the chest, cracking his jade armor. The damage of the punch spread through Quincy's body like a shockwave. He vomited at least a pint of blood before crashing through 3 walls. Edmund always held back his true power. He went to check up on Cross, who was smoking a cigarette on the side. Quincy ended up outside. He had a piece of metal in his juggler. He was staring at the nightsky. Quincy stood on his feet and ripped the sharp piece of metal out of his neck. Blood started splattering everywhere. Hmm." It looks like I'll have to take drastic measures. Quincy started smiling. He suddenly collapsed on his knee and started breathing rather heavily. He was about to lose pounds of blood.