Hardest Hit

Draco thought just because Levi was now in a robot's body he could feel pain. However, he could feel pain. The reason he could was because of his brain. That was the only organ he had left. Levi started grunting. The further he pushed his claws inside of his chest, the closer they came to his core. Once the core was destroyed, the body would completely shut down. Levi had to make sure Draco didn't get any ideas. Levi suddenly headbutted Draco, causing him to stumble into some chairs. Green fluids were pouring out everywhere. Levi started getting worried. " Shit, I need parts." His core was hanging by some cables. Draco got off the ground and licked the blood off his head with his tongue, no longer grinning. He suddenly flew through the roof of the warship. He stuck his hand into the air. Golden energy began wrapping around his arm. The golden energy suddenly became the bright light of the sun. Once this kingdom is out of the picture, no one will dare to stand in my way. This is the start of a new era. The golden energy morphed into a ball. Before Draco could cast the cataphoric attack upon the Industrial Kingdom, Hendrix appeared. As Draco sensed Hendrix's power, his eyes popped out of his head. He slowly turned around. How the fuck are you still alive?" Hendrix sucked his teeth. Don't fucking worry about that." Hendrix quickly rushed towards Draco punched him so hard in his face, it created a crack in space. Draco let a loud yelp. He was sent flying to the ground as multiple shocks erupted through his body. Draco vomited up plenty of blood. He was sent flying into a pile of rubble caused by Draco's army. Hendrix slightly injured himself with that powerful punch. Some of the muscles in the forearm were ruptured. Hendrix down in the hole of the warship and saw Levi, who was currently waiting for the parts he requested to be delivered to him. Hendrix started shaking his head. Draco meanwhile was laying flat on his back on the ground in the blood which was his own. That was probably the hardest punch he had ever received in all his times of living. I don't get it." How is this asshole is laugh." I mean I chopped this fucker's arm off." He should be dead." Draco stood on his feet and waited patiently as his injuries started to heal.