Payed in Blood

The monster's intestines spilled out on the ground. Akashiri rolled from underneath the large hound and hopped to his feet, mounting the humungous mutated hound. He raised his empowered katana in the air and drove it into the hound's skull, penetrating through its brain, delivering the final killing blow. Blood splattered all over his clothes and his face. The monster fell down to its knees. Akashiri jumped off the hound, dispersing his ancestral energy from around his katana, sheathing it. Akashiri walked up to Kelly, who said: Well, well, well." You handled that pretty well." Akashiri nodded. " Now since that problem is out of the way, we can proceed further through this level. Akashiri and Kelly walked past the hound, which suddenly evaporated into a pool of blood.

Kelly had a couple of questions. " So what was that?" Akashiri extended his eyebrow up. " Hmm?" What do you mean?" That energy around that katana of yours." What do you call it?" Akashiri cleared his throat. " It is called Ancestral Wrath." It is a power that was given to me when I was just a newborn. " I only recently unlocked it. For at least 10 minutes I can use it." It can increase my offense, defense, and speed. However, since the power is too intense, I only put it in my sword. I need more training for me to master that ability. Akashiri and Kelly had been talking for so long they already made it to the Level C elevator without any further hassle. Kelly opened the elevator and both of them stepped inside of it. On the side laid two dead bodies whose faces had been smashed in. Kelly pressed C on the elevator panel and it began descending.