Nuclear Warfare

Poison needed his rest. He looked for the first piece of land. He flew to the ground and laid on his back. Poison opened hisl0 mpv , + q mouth and began yawning. When he was about to go sleep, he heard his stomach start to growl. Hmm." " I wonder if there are any animals around here." Poison started looking around. He immdiately spotted a herd of goat snacking on some tall grass. He started snickering. Poison opened his mouth, releasing a poisonious toxin. As the goats breathed the toxins in, they choked to death.

5 minutes later...

Poison devoured each and every goat from the herd. Poison plopped on his back and burped. Now." Since lunchtime is over, its to fly. " Poison flew into the sky and blasted into the clouds. Acid was started falling from the sky. Nuclear warfare was takinng place. Poison started cackling. After flying for at least 30 minutes, Poison came across the Royal Elven Empire in flames. Poison descended to the ground and transformed into his hybrid form. He grabbed a dying refugee. " Please help me...." Poison looked at the refugee and sighed. " What makes you think I'll help you?" Tch." Poison tossed the rufugee to the side.