Prophet and the Head Priest

Soon after they head out, Christa, Itsuo and Selene, as well as the three survivors finally arrived at the village delivering a great news - Destroying the goblin's nest, killing its habitants, and rescuing three survivors who have their family waiting and hoping for their return. Tears were flowing with joy as the three survivors get to meet their family once again, a reunion they thought would never happen. Of course, there are other families who couldn't help but mourn at the ones they lost at the hands of the goblins. Christa stared at them intently and quietly.

"So those are the families who lost a member of their family."

She spoke inside her mind before giving her attention to the families of the three survivors they rescued.

"And those are the families of the three we saved... lucky for them."

She then glanced at her clothes, completely stained by the blood of the goblins.

"I should get changed."

Meanwhile Itsuo and Selene are reporting the success of killing the goblins and destroying the nest to Farlan.

"With this, the village should go back to its normal state."

"I see. Thank you for saving our village."

Itsuo spoke after explaining the events while Farlan followed suit as he thanked the three adventurers who destroyed the nest. Before Farlan could lower his head, Itsuo gestured him as he stared at Christa who was quietly looking at the villagers, making Farlan do the same.

"Well, in reality, Christa did all the work. So I think you should thank her instead. Also..."

"What is it?"

Farlan asked Itsuo as they both stare at each other.

"After all that, it's only natural that she gets it. No, she totally deserved it."

Farlan shooked his head as he wonders what Itsuo's words could mean. A few seconds after, clouds started forming as it streched out from the sky, a scenery that would always look like a clear ocean suddenly became covered with a dark and thick mass of clouds dimming the village and the surroundings.

"This is..."

"Rain clouds...?"

Finally, after a long time of suffering from drought that caused them to abandon their livelihood. After enduring the hunger for days, waters that started trickling down from the skies gave the villagers a new hope and a new beginning.

"It's rain! We can finally go and start farming again!"


Words will not be enough to describe the feeling of joy and relieve in the villagers faces. At the same time, the lands are starting to return to its normal state, as well as the water started streaming from the once dried out river.

"It must be because the curse of the goblins have been lifted up. Everything in the village are returning to how they once were."

Selene spoke as she, Itsuo, Christa, as well as Farlan and the villagers enjoys the rainfall sprinkling down on them. Running, playing with mud and such, watching the kids makes everyone even more ecstatic than they are now. Of course the cloudburst have stopped after a brief moment, and everyone went back to their things with smiles printed on their faces. At the same time, the three adventurers took a bath, Itsuo and Selene changed their soaked clothes to the ones Farlan gave them while Christa used her spare ones that Angelika gave her. Of course, everything is the same.

"Did Angelika ran out of idea of the design or she thinks its better to stay in one?"

Christa did not bother figuring which one is which. She wore the clothes and went straight to Farlan who's in a middle of a talk with her party leader and member, Itsuo and Selene.

"Oh, Christa, we're going straight to the guild."

"Ah, we're going to take the reward, huh? You can go ahead and take it, there's something I need to do."

Christa responded to Itsuo as she cover the wooden sword that she cleaned earlier with the white cloth.

"Are you sure?"

"You have something you need to buy in a hurry, right? Go."

Itsuo thanked her before he and Selene went ahead to the Reilaea Kingdom to get the reward.

"Thank you, let's make a party again next time. Farewell. Let's go, Selene."


Soon after they left Farlan's house and went back to the Kingdom, Christa received the exact amount of everything they bought for the villagers. Farlan expected Christa to leave right after receiving the money, however, Christa did not exit the door. Instead, she approached Farlan again before asking him.

"Mister Farlan, there's something I want to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

"Back at the goblin's nest..."

A few moments after Christa told Farlan about her encounter and interaction between the goblin queen to Farlan.

"An intellect type of goblin queen that can also use a human language?"

"Yes. I encountered her inside the nest. And before I killed the goblin queen, she told me something about a prophecy."

Farlan thought he misheard her. But after confirming from Christa that she did killed her alone. A Silver ranked adventurer beating an army of goblins, and the queen that is supposed to be on par with a Platinum ranked adventurer.

"For a Silver rank to beat a monster that is on par with a Platinum adventurer... I don't sense any malicious intent to her unlike the false rankers. If she purposely get evaluated as a Silver rank adventurer, then what are her intentions?"

Farlan thought to himself a question that will probably be unanswered for some time. After escaping his thoughts, Farlan asked Christa about the Prophecy the goblin queen told.

"So, what is this prophecy that the goblin queen was talking about?"

"This is what she told me..."

An scene reenacting the encounter of the goblin queen flashed through her eyes like a stream - The dream - The humanoid creatures that killed them - And the advent of the thing that is far sinister than evil, the thing that the goblin queen feared and the thing that humans would not be able to fight against.

"The humanoid creatures and the thing that us humans will not be able to fight against?"

"Yes, I was wondering if you know something about it."

"Sorry, I may be an old man and a chief but I've never heard of a prophecy like this..."

Farlan responded with a decline as he never heard of a prophecy like it before, nor he has the ability to see the thing that the goblin queen saw.

"I see, that's too bad."

Christa spoke in dissatisfaction before she performed a short sigh.

"But if what the goblin queen said is true about it being a prophecy, then whatever it is that is coming, it's true. And it will all happen in the distant future."

Christa then responded as the word Farlan gave her made her feel agitated.

"It will happen soon? Seriously?"

"At the very least, that's all I know about how prophecies work. If you want to know more about it, then a Prophet is the one who you should talk to about it."

"A Prophet?"

Christa shooked her head as Farlan replied, explaining to her what a prophet is.

"A Prophet is one of the very few people who have been granted the ability to see and predict the future. There are only a number of Prophets known in the world, but in every generation, a new Prophet will be born. You just have to find them carefully."


"The Prophets are connected to one another, they all see the same future at the same day and time. Then if you're talking about prophecies, then they should be the ones that knows most of it."

"Then, where do I find a Prophet?"

Christa slammed Farlan's table before he replied.

"I'm sorry, there are no known Prophets that lived in this country."


Christa frowned and was crestfallen.

"What a pain... This Prophet and Prophecy is."

Christa stood out of her seat as she put the bag and her sword behind her back.

"Mister Farlan, thank you for giving your time. I'm going back to the Guild now."

"I see. Feel free to visit our village once in a while, Thank you again for saving our village."

Christa then went on her way to the Reilaea Kingdom. A few minutes after she left, Farlan was standing on the door of his house, thinking about the Prophecy Christa told her.

"Something more sinister than evil, huh...? Why do I feel like I forgot to tell her something important?"

At the time Christa left the village and headed back to the Adventurers Guild in the Kingdom, at the castle grounds where one could see burned marks almost everywhere, there is Edle, standing in the middle as he continue practicing his new found power - Magic.

Standing in one postion with his eyes close as he tries to focus his mind. Flames began to rise from his feet to his head, until it completely surrounds him.

Then, as he open his eyes, the flames started channeling through his right hand. Sitting at the sideline, Kaien watched in amazement as the Prince that was once known as the "Magicless Prince" is now using and perfected his control on his magic only after a few days.


Edle fires the flames that was revolving around his hand to the sky before it vanished into thin air. Kaien then give his applause and praise at the Prince after performing such great control over his flames. Of course he wouldn't be able to do it without failed attempts that left the area to an unsightly view.

"Amazing, you gained full control of your magic in just a few days. Truly incredible."

"Stop flattering me with such words over just a single success. We need to fix everything here."

The two glanced at the awful view of the castle grounds with burned grasses, flowers, and broken pillars.

"I understand, I'll have them fixed immediately."

Just then, a man holding a stick that looked like a wand appeared out of nowhere and spoke.

"Well, well, this is truly a sight you never see everyday."


"The Head Priest, Terramai..."

Kaien spoke and Edle followed suit as they looked at the man.

"A beautiful noon to you, Prince Edle of the Reilaea Kingdom. I see you have finally gained control of your magic."