
After hearing Itsuo screaming for his Mother who seem to not move an inch despite him doing everything he could, Selene immediately went outside to call the elder. But the elder and everyone in their neighborhood was already in front of the house after hearing him. The elder then immediately looked at the wound that continues to dry the skin around it. It was a sting from a wither bee. Normally, a powerful herbal medicine, healing potions or healing magic would be enough to cure a wither sting, but the dark purple roots that suddenly appeared puzzled the elder as something like this was never seen before. And it seemed like it was the reason why the wound is getting worse and worse.

"I thought Mother would be fine after she drink the potion... But I was wrong."

Itsuo continues to sniffle as tears ran down his cheeks. Selene quietly stares at Itsuo as he tries to wipe off the tears that won't stop from coming out. Then, after quietly listening to his story, Christa asked them.

"So, why did you guys asked me to come here? You said the potion you bought did not work, right? I do have three potions that my teacher gave me but I don't know what kind of potion these are. It might just worsen the wound if we try something that we don't know that it will work."

Christa furrows her brows as she spoke while putting her hand on the bag, suggesting that the potions are inside. Itsuo let out a short, shaky sigh before he responded.

"The elder told us something that can cure the sting of a bee no matter how bad the condition is."

"But getting it is much more difficult than fighting a gang of goblins."

Selene followed suit.

"Then, what is it?"

"The Honey made by the Mother Bee."

Itsuo answered Christa's question as she shook her head.

"Mother Bee, huh? I haven't encountered one before."

Itsuo then told Christa that Mother Bees are rarely seen in a bee hive, as Mother Bees will die three weeks after reproducing bees and building the hive. But if a person is lucky enough to find one in a newly built hive, the honey it produces can cure almost any wounds, especially a wound from a bee sting. Much to its healing benefits, the honey that the Mother Bee produces is considered one of the sweetest and tastiest food the man has ever eaten. Making it the most expensive food and medicine, all thanks to its rarity and exquisite taste.

"Sweet and tasty honey..."

Christa's eyes sparkled as she drowned herself in her thoughts of getting to taste such a rare, sweet honey.

"I definitely need to get that honey."

She said as she began to drool, completely forgetting that she was in another people's place. Itsuo who watched her staring in the air grinning called Christa out of her dreams.

"Ch...Christa, are you alright?"

Christa suddenly shook herself and went back to her senses as she looked at both Itsuo and Selene.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something."

'No, you're definitely drooling over the thought of eating the honey.'

The two mumbled inside their heads. Then, Itsuo stopped his tears, his expression of compassion disappeared as his face grew serious, he told Christa why he and Selene went to find her.

"Christa, I know what I'm about to say will make me look desperate and only needed you because of your strength, and I'm not going to deny it, I'm desperate. It's a shameless act for an Adventurer, but I really need your help."

Christa continues to look at him directly as she quietly listen for Itsuo to finish.

"We need to get the honey, my Mother needs it right now. I'm afraid we're running out of time, my Mother might not last long. I know this is stupid, but we don't have money to pay you back, that's why I'm begging on you right now to help us. If it's possible you can treat it as if you gave as another option. But this time, I'll come with you to find the honey as a shield if you need it."


Selene spoke in an unsteady voice.

Itsuo lowered his head forward as he continued to plea for help. Then, Christa who was quiet the entire time listening to Itsuo finally responded.

"I don't think it's shameless and stupid at all..."


Selene and Itsuo directed their attention to Christa in an instant.

"Being an Adventurer doesn't mean you're not allowed to ask someone for help. You're a human just like the people who make requests that the guild posts in the bulletin board, of course its only natural that another person like an Adventurer would get to the point that they needed someone to help them. I'm sure that's one of the reasons why parties are formed."

Itsuo raised his head as the girl who was a former member of his party reached her hand as if she's inviting him to go with her on a quest.

"You don't have to think it's shameless and stupid, Itsuo. Let's form a party again and find that honey for your Mother!"


Itsuo thought Christa was just an Adventurer who only cares about killing monsters and ranking up, but seeing her overwhelming generosity towards him made Itsuo respect Christa. Itsuo reached his hand, as he grab the help he desperately needed. He stood straight like a soldier with a smile that expresses his gratitude towards the black haired girl. Selene who was in the sidelines was overwhelmed with joy and relief as Itsuo had stopped crying and is back to his usual self.

"Now then, let's not waste any time and get that honey. Do you both know where to find one with a Mother Bee?"

Christa and Itsuo released each other from their grasp as he answered her question.

"Those bees lives in the mountains and my Mother got stung while she was in the forest picking up firewood nearby. That means there should be a new hive in one of the mountains, considering that this is the first time something like this happened. And if we are lucky, we might find a Mother Bee and its honey in there."

"I see. Then, let's go find it immediately."

Itsuo and Selene nodded in approval. Then suddenly, a loud buzzing sound echoing through their ears could be heard not just to them but to the neighborhood as well.

"What is that?"

Confused, Christa went to the door to check what was happening outside as the two followed her. Then, a man hurriedly running back screamed at the top of his lungs and said...

"There's Wither Bees! They're all heading this way, close your houses immediately!"

The people who heard his warning have began to close their doors, windows and everything that the bees would use to enter their homes. Itsuo and Selene did the same while Christa found a hole to peek outside to get a look on the bees.

"Is everything closed and locked?"

"Yes, Itsuo."

Selene replied to Itsuo's question. Then the two went to see Christa peeking at the hole. As she continues to watch the outside, she saw the Wither Bees that are almost as big as the humans, flying straight towards a certain direction as if they're just passing by through the houses where their preys would be hiding.

Soon after, the sound of the bees buzzing dwindled as the monstrous insects went straight to where the Reilaea City is. Christa, Selene and Itsuo went outside and watched the bees slowly disappeared from the naked eye.

"They didn't attack us and instead they headed to the City?"

Itsuo's mouth fell open after he spoke, watching an unusual occurrence flying away. Selene then spoke, wondering about the Bees.

"Hey, isn't that too many? I thought Wither Bees only hunts together in 2 or 4? Don't you think something happened in their nest that made them go in a large group?"

"In any case, we are lucky, there should be only a few of them guarding their hive right now. Let's not waste this chance we got, let's go find their hive."

Christa answered Selene as she proposed on them to start moving.

"But isn't the city going to be in danger? That's a lot of Wither Bee going straight to the city! They might need us Adventurers! You!"

Itsuo suddenly began to argue with Christa, making her stop from taking a step. She then turned around to face him.

"Don't worry about the city, your Mother should be your first priority, Itsuo."

"But the people..."

Itsuo was hesitating to go with Christa as he thought her strength would be much needed to fend off the Wither Bees out of the City.

"Itsuo, Adventurers only work once they got a quest or someone requested them to do work. We're not heroes who would go out there saving people whenever there is danger. We're not heroes, we are Adventurers, it's our job. That's why..."

Christa suddenly grabbed Itsuo and Selene, carrying them as if they're just her personal things and not humans.


"Hey, what are you doing, Christa?!"

"While we got no quest or requests from people..."

Christa lowered her knees as she prepares to jump.

"Let's do what we gotta do now!"

Christa leaped to the sky along with Itsuo and Selene who are screaming in fear as they get higher and higher.

Meanwhile, inside the throne room. A Knight Guard came in a rush to report to the King and Queen the incoming wave of killer insects.

"My King, my Queen a large number of Wither Bees appeared from the northeast of the city and is heading straight here."


The Queen immediately issued an order for the Knight Guards to evacuate the people to a safe location while the others are dispatched around the city. She also notified the Adventurers Guild to call the available adventurers who are Gold and above to aid the Kingdom from the threat of the Killer Bee invasion.

The news spread and eventually reached to Edle who continues his training on using his magic.

"Huh, Wither Bee? That many?"

"Yes, a large group of Wither Bees are heading straight to the city as we speak. Some Knight Guards doesn't have the capability to kill a Wither Bee, so the Queen notified the Adventurers' Guild to send Adventurers who are Gold rank and above."

Inside the tavern somewhere in the city, a group of people seemingly feasting on their meal have also heard the news. One of them who has a giant long sword on his back spoke.

"Wither Bees...It's been a long time since I fought one of those insects. Oh well, I guess we gotta do our work again."