One Kick

In the battlefield in the southern and western side of the capital, Sieghart along with the other three members of their party takes on the lead of the adventurers to aid the knights of Reilaea to fend off the invaders of Kruule from the city.

"Don't falter! Remember that the moment we fall on our knees, the Kingdom will perish! Fight with everything you've got!" Sieghart spoke with the knights and adventurers.

"Don't let your guard down even for a second! Protect each other against the enemy!" Jinrah commanded.


Lira and David are both taking control in the southern district. While Sieghart and Jinrah are into the western side. Through their long years of experience with combat, their were able to take the right judgement and command the young adventurers into fighting off the enemies as well as keeping themselves safe from harm.

"Go! Push them back!" Lira roared.

"Follow my lead, everyone! Shoot the ones who are overpowering our frontliners! Keep them safe!"

It's not just their leadership in the battlefield. It's also because of the adventurers and knights and other high rank knights who are coordinating with each other really well that they can fight back the enemies with lesser casualties.

"Commander, the knights and adventurers of Reilaea are stronger than we thought. They are slowly overpowering us!"

"What?! They're pushing us back?!" one of the Commanders of Kruule knights spoke in irritation.

The fight goes on between the invading knights of the Kingdom of Kruule and the people of Reilaea who are defending their home. Their country. As it goes on, it becomes more and more clear that the side of Reilaea is the one dominating the battlefield and is pushing the enemies back.

Right now, the two sides are fighting between the titanic wall of Reilaea and the buildings.

After fighting alongside the adventurers and knights, Jinrah goes back to the vanguard in the inner district where Sieghart is waiting for him along with some knights commanders and captains.

"Sieghart!" Jinrah came running towards his party leader.

The two begun discussing the current situation from the western side of the capital.

"How's the situation progressing back there?" Asked, Sieghart.

"It's all going all right. We are pushing the invading knights back. Just a little more and we'll push them out of the wall of Reilaea." Jinrah replied with great news.

One of the commanding knights reported that the same thing is happening in the southern side, where most invading knights are gathered.

"The same thing is happening in the southern district thanks to Miss Lira and Sir David's strength and leadership."

While it is all going well for the two sides of the battlefield. Everyone can't still get it out of their heads that aside from the Prince, the Queen hasn't make an appearance yet and give them orders. It bothers them, especially Sieghart.

"It's really bothering that only Prince Edle had shown his presence but not the Queen ever since her last order to bring all the knights to fight off the enemies."

"Could it be that she's in danger?" One of the knights expresses his thoughts.

Sieghart asks, "What do you mean?"

"Well, King Castile and Princess Celestine of Kruule is supposed to be together with the Queen along with Prince Edle." The knight replied.


Jinrah comes to the realization and tells everyone, "That's right! Queen Elena and King Castile should be married for years now. And today is the day they are celebrating Prince Edle's birth for the first time together!"

Everyone was shocked with the words Jinrah uttered. Particularly, Sieghart as it came to him that the Queen is now alone with the King and the Princess of Kruule with no knights to protect her.

"I didn't know that King Castile and his daughter would be in the castle right when we are fending off their army. But more importantly, why did no one realized it before Jinrah!" Sieghart outraged.

The knights were terrified with Sieghart's sudden burst of anger. But at the same time they all felt regretful that they failed the one thing they needed to do the most. And that is to protect Queen Elena and Prince Edle in times of danger.

One of the knight commanders of Reilaea musters up his courage to speak for the other knights and apologized.

"This is clearly a mistake on our part. I will take the responsibility for everything. I apologize for not meeting your expectations to us, knights of Reilaea, Sieghart."

Sieghart looks at the knight with disappointed eyes. "I don't mean to sound rude to you all, but ever since the King and his 13 knights disappeared, you all have become wea-"

"We've all become weak."

The knight cuts into Sieghart's words.

"It's true that we have become weak. The knights of Reilaea aren't as strong as we were back when the King and the 13 knights were around."

The commander's comment were like a spear that pierced through the other knights' hearts. It hurts them as it is the truth. The knights of Reilaea are weaker compared to the days of war where the Kingdom considers to be the one among others who dominates every fight they are in.

"Even so, we have the same conviction as them. And that is to serve the King and the Queen and the Prince to our utmost fullest."

The knight commander spoke with great determination. And as if his words are contagious, the other knights who are all downhearted just a little while ago are slowly regaining their resolve.

The other knights goes in and follows the knight commander's speech.

"That's right. We are weak compared to the knights we succeeded. But..."

"...We are ready to show our loyalty and bravery we all have for our Kingdom, for our rulers!"

"We know that we are just some knights of the Kingdom of Reilaea, we can be easily replaced."

"We will retire from our duty as a knight or even die in the battlefield, but as long as we can encourage the people of our bravery and loyalty..."

"...I'm sure that the ones who will follow our step will become a great knight of Reilaea!"

Just for a moment, the commanders and captains of Reilaea have almost lost their morale. But with one of them who mustered up the courage to speak and let out the burden everyone has, their heads held high. Their eyes burns with compassion to protect the Kingdom they swore to protect.

In that moment, Sieghart is reminded that the Kingdom of Reilaea is the home of one of the strong-willed and brave knights.

The knight commander speaks to everyone once again.

"We can already assume that her majesty is beyond saving. But it's not too late to see whether it is the case or not."

The commander is about to give order to his fellow knights to run haste onto the royal plateau to check up on the Queen. But, Sieghart steps in and stops them from what they are planning.

"We need a group who can go to the royal plateau with haste. Who's goi-"

"Stop." Said, Sieghart to the commander.


"If you can give orders to the knights and adventurers, then that's more than enough to atone for the mistake you guys did. Lead the Kingdom to victory and leave the Queen to me."

The knights were dumbfounded with Sieghart. While Jinrah closed his eyes and shows off a little smile on his face. He was expecting Sieghart to do it.

"Are you sure, Sir Sieghart? Protecting and saving the Queen is our job as a knight."

"Yeah? But right now we are both fighting for Reilaea. The Guild and the Queen made this alliance for a reason. Do your job to protect the Kingdom, while we, the adventurers will handle the rest."

A short silence between the two occured. But the knight commander eventually speaks and agreed to let Sieghart go to the plataeu.

"All right. We'll leave her majesty's well being in your hands. Me and the others will handle the things here."

After their discussion that ended up in an agreement, the commanding knight ordered the others to return to battlefield. Some went to the southern side, others to the west. Carrying the belief and purpose they all have as a knight.

While the commanding knight is occupied talking to the others who stayed behind. Sieghart used this chance to talk to Jinrah in a low voice.

"I said that the Kingdom of Reilaea became weak. But turns out I was wrong. Though their strength may have crumbled, their spirit are all as high as ever."

"Reilaea may not be the Kingdom I was born in, but I can tell that every single one of its people are incredible." Said Jinrah to Sieghart. "Think you can handle the situation with the Queen alone?" He added.

"Yeah. Your strength is much more needed here. If anything, I'll just take the Queen with me to safety." Sieghart answered.


The two bumped their fist together as a sign of a short farewell with each other. And just when Jinrah is about to return to the battefield along with the others. Countless beastly roars echoed coming from the plataeu, where the Queen is supposed to be with the King and Princess of Kruule.

"This is..."

Just then, one of the adventurers that came from the central district rushed to them to tell an urgent message that a pack of 9 dragons that are soaring through the skies of the capital and is threatening the people.

"Everyone! I'm glad I came in time. A pack of dragons have appeared from the royal plataeu and are circling around the capital. If we don't do something, the capital will be in a great disaster."


"Seriously...? Right when we were a step closer towards pushing the enemies out of the walls of Reilaea... Those lizards suddenly appeared...?!"

The knight commander was greatly frustrated from the sudden development of the situation. They can push the knights of Kruule back outside the walls of Reilaea, especially with the help of adventurers who are contributing greatly into the battlefield. But now there are 9 dragons that are threatening the whole capital.

"Leave the dragons to us. Keep pushing the knights of Kruule out of our city. I know you can do it."

The commander takes on Sieghart's trust and assured him that the victory will be with Reilaea.

"...All right. We will drive the enemies back no matter what. And once we succeed, we will join you immediately."

Sieghart gave a wordless nod to the knight as he head off to battle. Sieghart turns around and watch the flock of dragons flying above them. He clenched his right fist before trying to reach the sword behind him.

"There's no doubt that these monsters came from Kruule. Though I'm not sure how they appeared so suddenly. Nor how they manage to tame them."

Just like the terrifying roar of the dragons, suddenly, both Jinrah and Sieghart can also hear the triumphant roar of the invading knights in the distance. It's as if the appearance of the dragons signifies that it is their victory against Reilaea.

"I can take them on one by one, but that would take so much time with a lot of them around. Do you have enough strength, Jinrah."

"I knew you'd say that..." Jinrah cracks his knuckles as he prepares to charge in. "...I'm all ready!"

"Let's show them that a number lizards is nothing to the Kingdom of Reilaea!"

"Wait..." Jinrah stopped Sieghart before he could take a step forward. "Look!"

Right in front of them, a ball of light can be seen soaring through the skies, seemingly heading to the plataeu.


A short rewind back in time, on top of the royal plataeu, where the royal castle resides...

"You... How in the world did you get your hands with those taboo scrolls!"

"That scroll shouldn't exist to begin with!"

Edle and Ordeus retorted as a dragon similar to what Celestine rode with not long ago circles around them.

"At the very first rulers' conference, the main highlight of that gathering are the scrolls called "Gate". During the war, where all countries from around the land of Alteria are sending their legions from every direction, these scrolls were created as a weapon to send the army right on the faces of the other Kingdoms while avoiding their own forces who are marching through the land without knowing their country is being destroyed." Castile told Edle and the others the history of the scrolls that are used to open a Gate.

"It is considered dangerous by all the countries involved in the war. As it can be used at almost every location. Even right in front of the King's throne." Celestine added. "Because of that fact, all the countries agreed to forbid the usage and production of the Gates."

"Of course I object to it." Castile glares at Edle and the others below him.

"Impossible... Simply objecting to it won't cut it. All the countries made a vow to it. And anyone who objects to it would receive a great punishment!" Ordeus angrily remarked.

"That's right. All the rulers made a vow so that no one would break that agreement. But only the rulers who are present in the first rulers' conference did it."

A sly smile of Castile made Ordeus to come to a realization. At the very first rulers' conference a year after the war ended between all 12 countries, before the 5 country alliance was born. Rulers from all countries are present to discuss about the scrolls called Gate. But not all rulers were there.

"Now that I remember... Only the Queen of Kruule were able to attend that time." Said, Ordeus.

Castile wordlessly looks down on Castile.

"You bastard...!" The King of Cartha spoke.

While the two Kings were talking to each other, Celestine looks at her right, as though something draws her attention.

"It looks like the time for talking has come to an end." Celestine stands up and looks at her Father. Castile understood his daughter's words and agrees with her.

"I see. This is unfortunate, but this is goodbye." Castile turns back at Edle and others. "Worry not, I'm sure we'll see each other again in my country, though I doubt Ordeus would make it there."

The princess of Kruule pulls out another scroll and opens another Gate.

"Gate?! Another one?!" Said, Edle as he sees Celestine uses another gate.

"I want you to remember, time is not on your side, my brother. You need to go to Kruule before Queen Elena and the others loses their lives. Well, that is if you can defeat all these pets I summoned."


Celestine calls upon the dragon that's been circling around them and waiting for her orders.

"Go. Do whatever you want and don't hold back."


The black dragon let out a furious roar before turning around and charges towards Edle and the others.

"It's coming towards us!"

"We need to get out of this plataeu!" As Kaien suggested, he went to Ordeus to carry him out of the plataeu, but the dragon is too fast for Kaien while carrying the King and the Prince of Reilaea who's feet suddenly froze into the ground.

"Damn it! I can't feel my legs!"

Castile entered the gate while Celestine follows behind her. But before she entered, she took a quick glance at Edle.


Atalante came to grab Edle's hand but after she does, the dragon is already dangerously close to them. It's mouth is wide open as it approaches the elven princess and the prince of Reilaea, ready to swallow both of them whole.

"Damn it!"

Atalante realized it was too late for them to avoid the monster, and so she tries to go for one final ditch move to stop the dragon.

"The great rupture, the devastated land, the beginning of new life...!"

Before she begins to cast her magic ability entirely, right in front of her eyes. She sees a leg clad in flames, crushing down the head of the dragon as it goes in further.

Edle glanced right towards the dragon, there he sees the face of Christa, saving him once again from danger.

Christa's eyes rolled towards the top of the castle, where she sees Celestine glaring at her.