Time Ticks

The time before dawn has arrived, owls and wolves are howling deep inside the woods. The critters are creaking around the trees. The fireflies are giving light to the dark night as they roam about freely.

"Just do as planned. We should be able to sneak up on them."

A voice of a woman whispers in the dark as she and the others plan to crawl their way towards the Kingdom in the horizon.


Time goes back to the moment they go onward to the Kingdom of Kruule. Edle, Kaien and Sieghart are trying their best to get used to the invisible moving floor they set foot on together with the others.

At that time, Christa along with the woman with the silver braided hair who is a bit shorter than her approaches Edle. Christa introduces the girl to everyone.

"Everyone, sorry to interrupt all of you while you're trying to get used to our grumpy ride, but I'd like you to meet her."

The girl with the silver braided hair, a scar in her cheek says her name to everyone.

"I'm Susun. I'm a former henchman of Princess Celestine."


Everyone quickly draws their weapons right after, thinking that Susun would suddenly attack them.

"She's a former henchman. That means she's no longer under Princess Celestine's control."

Edle and the others still doubt the fact that she's no longer serving the princess. Especially that they are unsure how to determine if she actually retired from her duty or not.

Christa then helped Susun justify herself.

"The collar that I showed to everyone not long ago came from her. I took the collar after she got herself knocked out by disobeying her purpose which triggered the lightning current to burst."

Christa's words seems believable for Edle. But he still can't put his guard down on her. Susun feels the same about Edle. But being wary of her is just a waste of everyone's time.

"I don't give a damn if you're too afraid of me to lower your sword, but if you want to save your Mother and everyone else, you gotta listen to me."


Time goes back to the present.

"This is it. Let's go."

Led by Susun, Edle and Christa, the group are about to inflitrate the Kingdom of Kruule.

At that time, inside the chamber in the royal castle of Kruule. In which Elena and the others are being held captive...

"Your Mother...?"

At the same spot inside the dark room with only fire torches lights up around, in the same chains that shackled Elena's arms. Castile's Mother endured humiliation until her last breath.

"Let me tell you, Elena. There are two kinds of people in Alteria. Those who are deemed perfect. And those who are seeking perfection. Those who are born perfect tend to be admired, idolized, look up to. They are quite rare, but one such person would always stand out above the rest. Then, those who are born that lacked the special traits of those above them. They are the ones who look up to the people who are superior to them, admire them, idolize them. Up to the point where they would seek their own perfection to be like the ones they admire."

Castile uttered while Athlante is thinking of breaking out as he observes the ceiling where the chains are clogged to see if he can force his way to break the chain. However, Celestine who is actually looking at him figured what he's planning.

"There are three things your planning could play out, King Athlante." Said, Celestine. "You can try pulling yourself out and failed to break it which will trigger a powerful lightning that'll kill you without a doubt. Or you can pull yourself out and have the ceiling fall all over us. Or you can forcefully pull the chain in a split second before the current triggers. But the moment you did that, it will trigger a powerful chain of lightning that will kill everyone. Now, what are you gonna do? Would you like to see the outcome of your plan, or would you rather listen to my Father for a while?"


Athlante became wary of what he's planning, thanks to Celestine who is looking after them. Now, he is out of option, all he could do is wait for something to happen. Something that'll help them get out of there.

Meanwhile Castile continues to talk while he takes his time going around everyone.

"Not one person is perfect. So many people have said those words so many times. And why do you think that is?"

The King of Kruule eventually stopped walking right in front of The King of Meleia. He looked right into his eyes as he answered his own question.

"Because people who are perfect are easily killed."


"Yes. Just like plucking the most beautiful flower you find around a flock of flowers who didn't get your interest. Those who are born with everything one can dream of are easily killed. Why do you think it always ended up that way, Francis?"

Castile's head quickly hovered right towards Francis as he glares at him.

"It's because those inferior bastards cannot stand not being able to be like the ones who are superior to them!"

Castile answered his own question once again. To his eyes, it's because of the people's inferiority to others that makes them want to become like the ones who are above them. Imitate them. But no matter what they do, they cannot become like the ones who are superior to them.

The reality of being inferior stings to them. It makes them hate themselves, they dread themselves. Up to the point they aim that anger to others.

The one who they admire would be the one they envy. The one who they idolize would be the one they despise. And the one who they look up to would be the one they hate the most.

Envy, despise, hate. Those feelings will eventually fuel their desire not to be like the ones who are above them. But to bring them down with them. They will do anything just to make them fall below them. Even if it means killing them.

"That time! My Mother was the one who they admired, idolized, look up to. Almost every people sees her that way, even the King of Kruule. Obviously, the Queen felt she was being overshadowed by her knight, her own soldier. The one who serves under her and her King."

"That is..." Elena said in an underlying tone.

"It's still fresh to my memory. It feels like it just happened yesterday!" Said, Castile as his voice raised hysterically.

He continues to speak as he reimagines what happened in the last moments of his Mother's life.

"I can see my Mother's eyes that is slowly losing life as she was in the brink of death after they satisfied their desires to her. Then, the Queen showed up. And with my own Mother's sword that she used to serve her loyalty towards them, her beautiful black hair was cut. Her limbs were brutally removed, her entire body was set in fire. Ruining everything that enthralls everyone, burning everything that made the Queen and others inferior to her perfection."

"Every time I remember those exact moments..."

Through his right hand, Castile conjures a sword with his black flames. The exact same sword her Mother owns. The exact same same sword that was used to kill her. And the exact same sword he took as he swore to avenge his Mother and Father. He stood right in front of Aura. He then raised his right arm as he was about to swing the sword right towards Aura's head.


"I can't help but draw the blade of my own Mother and want to cut people into pieces!!"




Just then, Castile, Celestine and the others heard a distant explosion not far from where they are. In that instant, Aura's life was saved as the blade stopped just right on top of her head. Then, the door opens.

"King Castile..."

The sword turned into black flames and disappeared. He took a breath and exhaled as his eyes sterned.

"Finally, he's here."

At that moment, at the time before dawn, Elena realized the one who is responsible of the sudden explosion. It was none other than her Son.
