King's Reason

Many days after May Gem had exiled in the kingdom, the report about the Spirit Magic Stone was received by Phaulius Dives, the King of Mirosolis Kingdom.

As what the report says, there are three potential locations where they can find this rarest stone in the world which is known to be the Spirit Magic Stone or Spirit Stone in short.

"Your Highness, we have found the three potential locations where we could find the Spirit Stone, however, those stones were protected with mass numbers of monsters and other hostile creatures." Said the one who send the report.

"I see… Mass number eh… Could you tell me where are these three locations." The asked.

"Yes Your Highness, according to the stone searchers, the nearest potential location where we could find the Spirit Stone is located at the western direction of this kingdom, it's about miles away, and it can be found near at the shore. The second nearest location is at the mountain, it was reported that there are many monsters had gathered together assuming that they are protecting something valuable, the chances are high since we also detected a light glowing upon. And the last one is at the Demon Forest, located near outside the Kingdom of Vesperum, same as the second nearest location, there are monsters that are gathered together at the center of the forest. Out of these three potential locations, the Demon Forest has the highest chance where you can obtain the Spirit Stone." The full report about the Spirit Stone.

"That's interesting, then all we need is more mages to go there." The King said.

After the report, the king gave an order to accompany him for the search of the rarest stone.

The King left the kingdom along with the elite mages, group mages unit, and guards that will secure the safety of the King.

While the king is away, the other Elite mages was ordered that they have to guard the palace and as well as the kingdom from intruders and ensure that the people of the kingdom are safe.

The King and others are heading at the west to find the Spirit Stone at that direction and they prepared their enchanted gears and weapons to get ready for the risk they'll face ahead their path.

After travelling for about half hour they reached the Forest of Mirosolis, and began using a search magic to detect all monsters around. Their path is very steep, and it's also the path were May Gem went through.

As time goes, the night comes. Mages detected a lot of monsters coming on their way to attack. The King immediately ordered the Elite Mages to use their magical powers to get rid of them quickly.

And then, the Elite Mages uses one of their basic chants called "Fireball", "Wind Slash", "Water Blast", and "Fulmination". The amount of their magic they used in their attack is very high, and also, the magical powers in their body is also very high and it would take five hours before their magic runs out if they continuously used it.

The Elite Mages were able to blast all of the monsters away in a single immensful blast. The other mages were very amazed seeing those Elite Mages performing their chant and they also gave praise to the Elite Mages.

"Hey! There's no need to give us praise!" Said coldly while blushing because of embarassment by Wind Elite Mage Julius Mirahelios.

"You don't need to be embarassed Mr. Mirahelios. Hahaha!" Said by Fire Elite Mage Harold Argen.

"Shut it Harold!" Said by Water Elite Mage Clair Alian.

"There are still a lot of monster coming ahead of us." Said by the Lightning Elite Mage Fulmen Diaz"

"Fulmen is right, we need to be more careful, I sense a demonic power on that direction, its power is more like absorbing the energy and magic on that surrounding, and annihilating that demon by myself would be impossible. We need to combine our powers and strength." Clair Alian remind them that they need to be more cautious.

"You're right, and it seems… the question is, can we do it again? This is the second time we will be doing this." Julius Mirahelios is worried.

The combined power that they are going to chant is called "Cohesive Force", it's a combined strenght of two or more mages creating a compressed magical energy.

The four elite mages formed a circle to contribute their power at the center. This combined strength can also cause a huge destruction in the forest blasting away its surrounding where shockwaves ranges about 100 meters.

The mage unit along with the King started to create magical barrier around themselves to avoid the massive shockwave after they land the hit on demonic creature.

After that, the Conhesive Force Magic spell is almost ready to release the attack.

While it's being ready, other demonic creatures appeared on other directions, they're not yet attacking but this is the worst case possible.

After the Cohesive spell is launched, the four elite mages will also take damage, and the spell also consumed a lot of their magical powers in their body.

In a split seconds later, the attack has been released. At the same time, the demonic creature has jumped over the bush.

The Cohesive Force magic did hit the demonic creature, however, it only hit the legs of the demon. It still took a fatal damage, but, it didn't die.

The Four Elite mages got paralyse after releasing their attack, and they were also protected by other mages immediately when the shockwave strikes.

The shockwave blown away all monsters and demon creatures that surround them. It's fortunate that the monsters were blown far away, but, these Elite Mages was scolded by the King because he almost got killed.

The Elite Mages were forgiven by the King. And all mages began their rest since it's already night, and they set a camp around.


May Gem was successfully commuted with the horse. She was halfway through to the gate and it's only been three hours since she left the nation's town. For another three hours, she'll be able to reach the gate.

As May Gem travels along with the horse driver, they saw a bright light around the mountain. The light they've seen is unknown, but that place where the light flash very brightly is the route to the Demon Forest.

Although, it's very far away, it might have been some monsters competing against each other. The Spirit Magic Stone can be found at the cave, so there's no way that the stone would flash that brightly.

But still, May Gem may have been thinking that someone must have already gotten the Stone. But she doesn't believe that it really is. After all, Demon Forest is a dangerous place among all forest in the continent.

While May Gem is on her way out of the Kingdom…

The Elite Mages and the other few mages were back on track guarding the place where they are and protecting King Dives from danger.

Mages constantly using a search magic to detect all monsters and other creatures nearby. But for the mean time, there no monsters has detected.

Elite Mages began asking out of respect to the King why does he want the Spirit Stone, what's his reason?

The King responded "That's because… my son was a failure."

"What?!" Elite Mages were shocked.

"King Dives, I am sincerely apologize about asking unnecessary question." Fulmen Diaz apologized.

"Well… I don't mind, I know it must have been a shock to you finding out that I do have a son." The king extended their talk.

"It's been two months since my son's birthday, but his magical power did not arouse." The King tells about his son.

"So in order for your son to have the possession of magic, you need a spirit stone." Said Mirahelios.

"Yes… That's the point."

The Elite Mages never seen the King looking very sad at a moment. The King told the Elite Mages that to keep his secret and don't let others know that he had a son.

After that, the Elite Mages went back on their job guarding the place.

"I never knew that he had a son, but who is it?" Harold Argen was very curious.

"Yeah… I'd like to meet him in person." Clair Alian said.

"But I think he's not living on the palace… Just where?" Julius Mirahelios curiously asked.

"Stop talking about the King's son." Fulmen Diaz halted their conversation about the King's son.

Three hours later…

May Gem has reached the Gate and finally he's now outside the Kingdom of Vesperum. The other side of the Kingdom.

The Search for the Spirit Stone Continues…