The Strongest Liquor

That sentence was like a sharp sword, freezing Xu Ai's blood which had been flowing backward just a second ago.

Lin Shen's words seemed to both be a snarky comeback to Sun Pinting's aggression and a simple answer to that guy's strange comment. 

That guy was dumbfounded briefly. The girl beside him suddenly got mad, looked at Zhao Yang, and then gave Xu Ai a dirty look before heading upstairs. 

The guy scratched his head and looked at Xu Ai. She stood there, startled, as he stepped towards her, hoping to say something. He stopped when Sun Pinting pinned her eyes at him. He smiled in embarrassment and said, "I'm so sorry." Then, he turned around and walked away.

Xu Ai and Sun Pinting were the only two standing in front of the giant dormitory building. 

Sun Pinting's face was filled with anger. Now that everyone was gone, she turned around and glowered at Xu Ai. "So that was the man you've liked for three years, the one you said someday, you will be the girlfriend of?"

Xu Ai stood there in absolute silence. A cold breeze blew from the corner before the dorm and messed up her hair, making her hair cover half of her face. 

"Erudite Scholar Lin. Three years ago, so many people claimed he wouldn't last long after the Lin Corporation's bankruptcy and his father's death, and all he had was a small company that his mother fought to keep. But he was able to work on finishing his education while keeping that small company running for three years. Who could ever compete with his perseverance? Besides, his small company is functioning very well nowadays. Many businessmen had asked to purchase his small company for exorbitant prices just to be able to recruit him, but he refused them all no matter how high the offer was and where the offer came from. A man like him is determined to rebuild the Lin Corporation, how could he waste time on love and relationships? If you could be his girlfriend, then having been by his side for three years, you would've succeeded already with the countless opportunities you've had." 

Sun Pinting jammed her finger to Xu Ai's forehead rudely. "Wake up and open your eyes, Xu Ai! He is not into you at all. He kept you by his side only because you are a big help to his company."

Xu Ai's body trembled. She didn't know if it was Sun Pinting's finger jamming at her, or it was because something she had believed so dearly was shattered in her heart. 

Her face appeared grim and ghastly under the dormitory building light. She was like a dried-up turnip in the winter, lifeless and lackluster. 

Sun Pinting had all the intent to scold her more, but she couldn't bring herself to it. She retrieved her hand and grabbed her. "Let's go!"

By "go," she didn't mean to go back to the dorm; she meant to leave. 

Xu Ai was dragged by her for a while. When she saw the car Sun Pinting parked on the side of the road, she asked awkwardly, "Where are we going?"

"To get your mind off of things, of course. Do you think I'm gonna let you go back to your room to cover yourself in blankets and cry?" Sun Pinting opened the car door and tucked her in the passenger seat. Then, she turned around and climbed in the driver's seat. 

Xu Ai looked defeated. "I won't cry even if I go back to my dorm."

Sun Pinting sneered, "You ain't gonna cry; the most you will do is stay up all night in heartache because you have no tears left to cry. Then, you will show up with heavy dark circles and work your *ss off for him the next day." 

Xu Ai was silent once again. 

"Xu Ai, have some goddamned dignity!" Sun Pinting leaned over and buckled her seatbelt for her and then buckled her own. She swiftly started the car, stepped on the gas pedal, and drove away from the entrance.

Xu Ai looked outside the car window. They were speeding, and the scenery outside flashed by her eyes, but she couldn't keep the image of Lin Shen's silhouette out of her mind.

She thought getting busted for her potential blind date was even worse than using his cup. Now, it appeared she underestimated her bad luck. 

Evidently, the most dreadful thing that happened today was him stating she was not his girlfriend.

All humans are like that. You can never imagine how low you can stoop before the next thing happens to you. 

"Cry if you want; nobody is going to laugh at you!" Sun Pinting peered at her as she turned the steering wheel. 

Xu Ai shook her head. She didn't want to cry. What was there to cry over? You have to be prepared for the fall if you were to climb a mountain. 

Now, she finally fell from the mountain!

The fall made her black and blue, but at least she wasn't at the point of fighting to live!

After all… 

She did prepare herself for it. 

"If you're not crying now, then don't cry the next day when you come back to your senses. I don't want to see it." 

Xu Ai realized they were heading in a different route than their usual hangout. She shifted her gaze back and asked, "Where are you taking me?"

"Just sit here and be quiet! You'll know when we get there."

That shut her up. 

Sun Pinting didn't talk anymore and focused on driving. 

Beijing wasn't as crowded at this hour, yet there were still quite a lot of cars on the road, speeding past each other. 

After driving for an hour or so, Sun Pinting finally stopped in front of a restaurant. 

Xu Ai looked outside the window and gasped in shock. She looked at Sun Pinting, flabbergasted. "I can't believe you brought me here!"

Sun Pinting turned off the car and nodded. 

"Don't you realize what time it is now? He left already! Damn you…" Xu Ai stared at Sun Pinting; Sun Pinting drove for an hour just to bring her to the restaurant where she was scheduled for her blind date. 

"Maybe he's still here!" Sun Pinting unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out of her car quickly. 

"Hurry up!" She urged Xu Ai.

A helpless Xu Ai slowly unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out of the vehicle. 

Sun Pinting closed the doors and locked the car. Then, she hauled Xu Ai inside the restaurant. 

The greeting waiter welcomed these two ladies and asked, "Have you reserved a room with us?"

Sun Pinting breathed in and asked eagerly, "Has the customer in Room 222 left already?"

"Let me check that for you!" The waiter smiled and walked towards the concierge table. 

Sun Pinting dragged Xu Ai and followed him.

She gave Xu Ai a headache. "My lady, don't you realize what time it is now? Do you really think he's still waiting?" 

"You never know!" Sun Pinting flipped her hair back. 

Xu Ai did not comment further. 

It didn't take long for the waiter to check. He smiled at them and said, "The guest in Room 222 had paid and left here half an hour ago."

Half an hour ago?

Xu Ai was shaken to her core!

It is almost eleven, which means he left at ten-thirty? Did he wait here from seven to ten-thirty?

Sun Pinting stomped her feet and jammed her finger in Xu Ai's forehead again as she cursed, "You damned minx, he waited here until ten thirty, oh you're really killing me…" She pinched Xu Ai's face and stormed out of the restaurant. 

Xu Ai was beyond surprised. Did he really wait here for that long? She came back to her senses and inquired, "How many people came to Room 222?" 

"There was only one gentleman!"

Xu Ai nodded in silence. She couldn't fathom how the heck could a person wait inside a restaurant's private room, completely alone, for three hours. 

She thanked the waiter and exited the restaurant. 

Sun Pinting was already in her car. 

Walking in front of the car, Xu Ai opened the car door and glanced at Sun Pinting, whose face was boding ill for those who dared to get in her way. 

Xu Ai slowly moved inside the car and cleared her throat. "So he left, whatever. I'm only a junior in university, what's the rush? You're just like my mom; you're afraid that I will never marry," she whispered.

Sun Pinting glowered at her and grunted, "What the hell do you know? Do you have any idea who your blind date was?"

Xu Ai had always been curious about Sun Pinting's unusual fervor for her blind date. She thought maybe Sun Pinting was feeling pretty fresh and excited about the idea of a blind date, and that was why Sun Pinting was siding with her mother to help arrange one. But now, it appeared that that wasn't the reason, so she had to ask, "Who was it?"

Sun Pinting snorted in disappointment. "All in all, you let go of a giant golden money tree; why do you care to know who he was!" She stepped on the gas pedal and drove away from the restaurant.

Her car was rapidly accelerating, just like her anger. 

Xu Ai had to remind her, "Whoa, slow down!"

Sun Pinting ignored her. 

Xu Ai shouted Sun Pinting's name a few more times before she finally lightened the pressure on the gas pedal. Xu Ai sighed in relief and closed her eyes because Sun Pinting was giving her a headache.

They drove another half an hour before finally coming to a stop.

Light flashed in Xu Ai's head that she couldn't put herself to sleep even with her eyes closed. When the car finally stopped, she looked outside and felt the familiar ambiance. They were at their usual hangout. 

The lights were flashing, and the people were coming and going. The bar was at its peak hour at midnight. 

Sun Pinting parked the car and stepped out, ignoring Xu Ai. 

Xu Ai stepped out and followed her. 

They walked into the bar one after another. A few people saw them and walked over to welcome them with smiles on their faces. "Yo, Sis Ting-Ting, Sis Ai-Ai, you ladies are free tonight?" 

"Enough with the bullsh*t. Go make me the strongest drink." Sun Pinting didn't pause as she headed towards the bar counter.

One person thought there was something off, so he grabbed Xu Ai and whispered, "Is Sis Ting-Ting alright? She seems a bit mad today."

Xu Ai laughed and acted all casual. "Has she ever let a day go by without getting mad? Listen to her and make her a drink!" She then proceeded to the bar counter. 

This person was shocked, He looked at his co-workers around him helplessly. "Do you guys feel like there's something wrong with Sis Ting-Ting today?"

"Not just Sis Ting-Ting, there's something wrong with Sis Ai-Ai today as well!" Another person stuck his tongue out. "Sis Ai-Ai would never let Sis Ting-Ting drink the hard stuff, but today she just smiled and agreed."

Everyone else nodded.

The waiter that first talked shrugged. "I better watch myself tonight. If I piss them off, then I will definitely be fired." Then, he ran to the counter to make drinks. 

The others shared a look and then looked at the two figures sitting at the bar counter, deciding to stay away from them as much as they could. 

The background music in the bar was a nostalgic old song, a song with a rather depressing verve. 

Sun Pinting sat down and banged her hands against the bar counter. "Change to a pop song, I mean what is this sh*t?" she shouted. 

She was so loud that it made everyone around her quiet. 

Someone ordered, "Didn't you hear Sis Ting-Ting's command? Change it now!"

Another worker rushed to the jukebox. Shortly after, the old song was replaced by an upbeat pop song, wiping away the depressing ambiance. 

Sun Pinting was pleased. She moved her head to the beat of the song. 

Xi Ai glanced at her and wondered whether she would be carrying her back, or vice versa. What if they both get hammered here? She called a waiter and whispered to his ear, "If we're both drunk, then we'll just sleep here." 

"There is always a room prepared for you in Cloud Nine at the back," the waiter whispered to her.

Xu Ai nodded. 

It didn't take long to make their drinks. Two glasses were served to them, one per person. 

Sun Pinting knocked on the bar counter again. "This is not enough! You're not doing anything else tonight. Keep the drinks coming unless I say otherwise. Don't stop, do you hear me?" 

The bartender sighed and looked at Xu Ai. 

"What are you doing looking at her for? Do as I say!" Sun Pinting glowered. 

The poor guy nodded his head in agreement. 

Sun Pinting pushed a glass towards Xu Ai. "We don't leave here until we barf tonight! Imma get drunk with you, and you can forget all about that son of a b*tch tomorrow! If you say no, then you can get lost right now!"

Xu Ai stared at her drink silently. Neither of them could leave here if they threw up! But she really needed a drink right now; she needed the strongest liquor. She grabbed the drink and poured it all down her throat. 

It tasted a little spicy at first, but she didn't feel any aftertaste. The strongest liquor was just so-so!

That night, the bar was lively and boisterous as usual underneath the melange of ethereal lights.

There was, however, an interesting scene in the bar. Two beautiful ladies were chasing drink after drink; but other than that, there was nothing really different. 

Some customers thought it was intriguing, so one attempted to hit on them with a drink in his hand. 

Sun Pinting threw her drink in his face. "F**k off if you don't wanna die here!"

That customer was obviously a man of high status. He had never had a drink thrown in his face before and became enraged instantly. A waiter stopped him and whispered something into his ear just as he was about to blow a gasket. Then, the customer looked defeated and left them alone. 

That turn of events scared anyone who wanted to bug them. 

Xu Ai put down her glass and cursed at Sun Pinting, "B*tch!"

Sun Pinting bent her arm around Xu Ai's shoulder and replied, "Your b*tch!" She wasn't angry at all. 

Xu Ai didn't know how to reply.

Sun Pinting crooked her finger, and someone filled her glass immediately. She held the glass with her slender fingers and clunked it against Xu Ai's glass before tilting her head back and finishing the drink. Her pose was effortlessly sexy and seductive. She then put down her glass and asked Xu Ai, "So tell me, which one of us is going to be the first to get hammered tonight!"


Sun Pinting let out a spiteful sound, "You are drunk already, ha!"

Xu Ai couldn't deny it. She studied the way her glass reflected the bar lights and the light shadow it cast. She blinked and started seeing double. She thought that perhaps she was drunk already. She shook her head and put down her glass before slumping over the bar counter.

"Yo, I just said you are drunk; are you really drunk already?" Sun Punting pushed at Xu Ai. 

Xu Ai did not budge at all. 

Sun Pinting dragged Xu Ai's body up. "Get up, you only drank so little. Are you seriously drunk? No f*cking way!"

Xu Ai shook her body and slapped away Sun Pinting's hand, and then she slumped onto the bar counter again.

Sun Pinting pulled her and shook her a few more times, but Xu Ai was completely wasted. She muttered a vicious curse and then asked for one more round of drinks.

The bartender filled her cup and advised her at the same time, "Sis Ting-Ting, this is hard liquor; you don't really feel it first, but you'll definitely feel it shortly after…"

"Cut the crap!" Sun Pinting waved her hands to stop him. 

What could the bartender do or say? He shut his mouth and continued making her more drinks. 

Sun Pinting had a few more drinks before stumbling towards the dance floor. She turned around and saw Xu Ai sleeping on the table. She lifted her foot and kicked Xu Ai. "Useless." She waved at the waiter. "Take my car and drive her back."

The waiter replied, "Sis Ai-Ai said she'll stay here if she gets drunk."

"She's been so annoying ever since she met that damned guy. She never made time for herself to unwind and indulge against a rainy day." Sun Pinting's tone was filled with contempt. She left Xu Ai there and headed to the dance floor. 

The waiter realized Sun Pinting was going to have her own fun for a while. He contemplated for a bit, and then he carried Xu Ai to get some rest.

The bar was only one corridor away from the Cloud Nine hotel.

They left the noisy bar and went to the hotel that was connected to the bar. As the two approached the stairs, Xu Ai opened her eyes suddenly and stood with her back straightened. She waved her hand at the waiter and said, "I'll go upstairs myself; you can head back now!"

The waiter was stunned, "Sis Ai-Ai, you're not drunk?"


Xu Ai rubbed her hand against her forehead. There was another bidding project tomorrow afternoon. She had lost her chance today, so she couldn't afford to miss another one tomorrow. The hard liquor she had was way too much. If she slept in tomorrow, how would she be able to get anything done? Sun Pinting was right; Xu Ai had no dignity when it came to Lin Shen. But so what? She managed to live without dignity for so long; she could live without it for a little longer. 

"Let me take you upstairs! It's just a few steps." The waiter helped her again. 

Just then, someone came up from around the corner. His leather dress shoes clicked against the floor at a comfortable speed, making a sound with each step. 

The waiter looked up and let out a low voice, "Sir... what brings you here?"

The man glanced towards them. He didn't stop looking at them as he walked towards them silently. 

Xu Ai turned around and saw a tall silhouette carrying a drink in his hand. He was dressed in athleisure clothing, which made him look very youthful. She turned around and asked in confusion, "Who's this guy?"

The waiter whispered, "Sis Ai-Ai, all that workload must have made you crazy. Don't you know? He is…"

"Boil a kettle of hot water for my room!" the man spoke all of a sudden. 

The waiter stopped talking and answered, "Be right up, Sir." 

"Wait?" The man stopped walking and turned around to look at them. 

Under the dim lighting in that place, Xu Ai could only make clear of the man's handsome side profile, his beautiful eyes, and the chiseled angles on his face. She was certain she didn't know this man, but the waiter addressed him as "Sir" and talked to him in awe as if he had just seen a giant Buddha statue. There must be something special about that man. She gestured to the waiter. "You can go now!"

"Then you be careful!" The waiter was worried about Xu Ai. Although she seemed fine, that liquor had a very strong after-effect. It was a miracle that she was sober after so many drinks. She must have a high alcohol tolerance. 

"Mhm," Xu Ai answered. 

The waiter let go of her and hurried to the other side of the hall. 

Xu Ai braced herself against the staircase handle. Now that nobody was carrying her, she finally started to feel the effects of the hard liquor. She shook her head and stepped upstairs. 

The man turned around and walked towards her after she took a few steps up. He paced in front of her and looked at her up and down with a drink in his hand.

Xu Ai paused and looked up.

Usually, handsome men had handsome side profiles, but having a handsome side profile didn't equate to being actually handsome. 

However, this man belonged to the former.

He was indeed really handsome from just all angles!

Xu Ai was used to seeing Lin Shen's face, but she was still in awe of his beauty. She opened her mouth and smiled at him to be polite. 

His emotionless face hardened when Xu Ai smiled at him. He stepped towards her and gripped her wrist before she was able to scream, and he poured the drink in his hand down her mouth. 

Xu Ai was shocked and scared by his actions. Her eyes opened wide and stared at him.

She wanted to reject it, but her wrist was being held tightly by his hand. The sharp liquor burned her esophagus, and it felt a hundred times stronger than the ones she drank with Sun Pinting. 

It was then she finally realized that that was the strongest liquor, and the one she had was nothing compared to this!

The glass of liquor entered her stomach in no time, and it burned so much that she started tearing up. 

The man shook his glass once it was empty, not willing to waste a single drop. He finally let her go once there was no more liquor clinging on the side of the glass.

Xu Ai couldn't stand straight, and her body trembled before grabbing his collar just as she was about to fall to the ground. 

The man lifted an eyebrow and brushed away her hand mercilessly. Pa! Xu Ai collapsed onto the floor. 

The man didn't even bother looking at her. He turned around and left with the empty glass in his hand.

The sound of his footsteps disappeared into the distance.

Xu Ai's brain was foggy and dazed. She wanted to get up, but her body was too weak to cooperate. She thought, did I have a grudge with this guy or something?

Was that liquor or pure ethanol? Her ghost would haunt him forever if she was to die from this!