We're Friends

Xu Ai almost threw away her brand new phone when she heard Su Xuan's voice.

How could it be him?

How did he get my phone number?

"You must be wondering why I have your phone number, right?" Su Xuan paused for a while after he stated his name, almost as if trying to give her the time to let her adjust herself before he slowly began talking. 

Xu Ai took a deep breath and tried not to make her voice sound shocked. She snorted and taunted him, "Of course, aren't you the Young Master Su of Empyrean? Would it trouble you to find someone's number? How's that surprising!"

Su Xuan laughed at her comment. "What a temper! Am I calling at a bad time? Or do you have any issues with me?"

Issues? She was on the verge of Hulk-smashing her phone! Too bad she just bought her brand-new phone and didn't want to be a prodigal.

Xu Ai's face was serious. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to ask what you are going to do with the clothes in the trunk of my car. Now I feel like I don't have to." Su Xuan hung up right away after he finished talking.

Xu Ai stared blankly at her phone in her hand for a while, then she stomped her foot very hard before finally hitting redial.

The other party hung up as soon as the dial tone started.

Xu Ai called again, but he hung up on her again. 

Xu Ai tried calling one more time, but all she heard was "the number you're calling is unavailable at this moment!"

Xu Ai's face turned livid. She stared at her phone screen as blood rushed to her brain. She wanted to swear!

Is Su Xuan human or not?


Isn't it just because my attitude wasn't great because I was angry when he called? But he's being a little too petty! What kind of person is that!


She spent so much time, money, and energy that afternoon at the mall to buy those clothes. How else was she going to do with them? She was going to get them back!

What did he mean by that? Is he going to throw them away?

That's not nice!

Xu Ai looked at her phone and redialed the number again, but he still had his phone turned off. She was frustrated, yet at the same time there was nothing she could do, and she couldn't do anything about him either. It was easy for him to find her, but it was impossible for her to find him. 

She stood under her dorm building for a moment, then she saved that phone number to her contact list and finally headed to the bus station. 

She should go home first!

If he really dared to throw them away, then she would do whatever she could to make him pay her back!

She ran into Zhao Yang on the bus. Zhao Yang moved towards her and sat beside her as she found a seat beside the window. He tried to make small talk with her. "Xu Ai, what a coincidence!"

Xu Ai glanced at him and nodded. 

"Where are you going?" Zhao Yang was rather happy to see her. 

"Going home!"

Zhao Yang blinked his eyes. "Where is your home?"

Xu Ai turned away her head. "Why should I tell you?"

Zhao Yang coughed in embarrassment. "Well, I didn't mean it like that. What I meant was, are we going in the same direction?"

Xu Ai shook her head. "Not in the same direction."

Zhao Yang choked a little. "I haven't even said where I am going; how would you know we're not traveling in the same direction?"

"We won't be in the same direction anywhere you go." Xu Ai was not in a good mood, and her mood got even worse when she saw him. Everything started because of him. Why the hell did she run into him and had him stop her that day?

Zhao Yang coughed again. His face turned a bit red when he saw other people looking at them, including two people that he knew. He lowered his head and murmured, "Xu Ai, did I ever offend you? Didn't you reject me? You said no to my pursuit, but we're still friends, right? Do you really feel the need to diss me?"

Xu Ai pretended she didn't hear him and looked outside the window.

"You're so…" Zhao Yang felt like he was put on the spot. "My computer turned to absolute trash because of the article I posted on our school's forum, and now I have to buy a new one. My entire body aches when I think about my allowance next month. Could you at least be friendly to me knowing how much sacrifice my wallet has to pay?"

"Well deserved!" Xu Ai uttered two words.

"People who know you at school all say that you're easy to get along, but how come you don't get along with me?" Zhao Yang felt helpless. "Would it be all right if I stop pursuing you from now on? Your boyfriend is quite a character, Princess. He is truly second to none, enough to make any man feel emasculated. If we can't be boyfriend and girlfriend, we can at least be friends!"

Xu Ai rolled her eyes. "Is that how you use idioms?"

Zhao Yang smirked. "Your cold expression is gone! Does that mean you have agreed? We're friends from now on?"

Xu Ai sneered. "Who's friends with you?"

Zhao Yang didn't know what to say. He covered his forehead with his hands and didn't make a sound for a while. 

Xu Ai turned her face away and began to think that he was funny. He meddled with her mind so much that she didn't feel as upset about Su Xuan hanging up on her. 

After the bus drove off for a distance, Zhao Yang lowered his voice and asked, "Xu Ai, do you know anything about computers?"

Xu Ai was too lazy to reply.

Zhao Yang was persistent. "I'm a computer moron. I only know how to chat on QQ, play games, look at forums and websites. If you are familiar with computers, then help me with choosing a new computer! How about that?"

Xu Ai shook her head. "Nothing about that! I'm not familiar with computers either."

"I came all by myself. My good buddy has classes this afternoon. Even if you aren't familiar with computers, it's better than me going all by myself, don't you think? Could you do me this favor, please?" Zhao Yang butted his arm against hers. 

Xu Ai turned around to glance at him. 

Zhao Yang retrieved his arm immediately and smiled to ingratiate her. He pressed his palms together as if he was about to pray. "Do me a favor, please. It won't take up much of your time."

Xu Ai turned her head around, obviously not moved by him. 

Zhao Yang ran out of ideas. He murmured heartlessly, "Cheng Yanyan told me she had asked someone to investigate you on the day that we were called to the principal's office after you and Lin Shen had left. She said you're from an average family, your parents live abroad, and you don't have any special family background. How could Su Xuan be your boyfriend?"

Xu Ai turned around slowly. "She investigated me?"

Zhao Yang nodded a few times. "Yes. I'll turn into a dog if I'm lying!" He raised his hand like he was swearing an oath. 

Xu Ai covered her lips and laughed. "Yes, I am from an average family. She's not wrong about that."

"What about Su Xuan? He's really your boyfriend?" Zhao Yang asked inquisitively. He saw Xu Ai's smile, and she looked damned good when she did. 

Xu Ai shook her head. "No!"

"Huh?" Zhao Yang was shocked, "That… that day, you said he is… And that button… And the photo on our school's website of him driving you back to your dorm; what's that all about?"

"How would I know!" Xu Ai had nothing to tell him.

Zhao Yang scratched his head in confusion. He stared at Xu Ai and saw her looking outside the window. By the looks of it, she didn't want to talk. He was dying inside but finally gave up in frustration. "Fine, I won't ask any further. But now that I've told you this, please, could you pick out a computer with me! I'm a total idiot when it comes to computer functions and hardware stuff."

Xu Ai found it funny. "You really are an idiot."

"As long as you are helping me with choosing a computer, then I'm fine with you calling me names!" Zhao Yang butted his arm against her again.

"Stop trying to touch me!" Xu Ai used her bag to block his arm. "Where do you want to buy a computer?"

"You've agreed to it?" Zhao Yang was ecstatic, then he told her an address.

Xu Ai realized they were indeed traveling on the same route, so she nodded her head. "Alright!"

"Thank you very much!" Zhao Yang's laugh was all teeth.

"Don't bother with thanking me first. I'm not so familiar with computers, so don't blame me if I choose a crappy one." Xu Ai reminded him. 

"I won't! I'm just happy that you've agreed to help me!" Zhao Yang was so happy that he was about to start dancing. 

"Now that I've agreed, so can you please zip your mouth and stay quiet for a while?" Xu Ai rolled her eyes at him.

Zhao Yang nodded and shut his mouth like a good boy.

Xu Ai's ears were finally at peace. 

After being on the bus for one hour, Zhao Yang and Xu Ai got off the bus and waited at the bus stop for another bus. Half an hour later, they finally arrived at the place Zhao Yang told her about. 

They headed straight to the computer department once they entered the mall.

As they walked together, Xu Ai asked, "What's your budget?"

Zhao Yang thought for a second before telling her a number.

Xu Ai nodded and then listed several computers from different brands that were about the same price range, and she briefly outlined their functions and specifications.

Zhao Yang looked at her in admiration. "And you said you aren't familiar with computers, Xu Ai? You know much more than me!"

Xu Ai wondered, If he ever found out I hacked his computer, then maybe he wouldn't want to befriend me and beg me to choose a computer for him.

Since he was so stupid, Xu Ai thought she would just help him out this once!

Xu Ai found one that she liked after they looked around the display counter for a bit. She told Zhao Yang, "I think this one is a good option, and it's within your budget. Its functionalities and outer appearance are both pretty good."

"Then that's the one!" Zhao Yang was very happy.

Xu Ai took her handbag and started getting ready to leave. "Now that you've got your computer, I'll…"

"Ms. Xu?" Suddenly, a middle-aged man walked towards them from the nearby aisle and interrupted Xu Ai.

Xu Ai turned around and saw that man paced towards her. She was, at first, a bit confused, and then she remembered he was one of the people who were at Su Xuan's dinner table that day. He was President Chen.

"You're here to… purchase a computer?" President Chen came closer and asked in a very enthusiastic and friendly manner, "How come Young Master Su is not with you?"

Xu Ai wanted to turn around and leave, on second thought, that may be too rude, so she braced herself and shook her head. 

"Huh? This is…" President Chen seemed to have just noticed Zhao Yang. He looked at them with confused eyes. 

"My classmate. He's not very familiar with computers, so I'm helping him to pick one," Xu Ai explained. She didn't want to stir up the pot. With Su Xuan's status, any topic or assumption was enough to cause a ripple effect. 

That cleared things up for President Chen. "Have you picked one yet?"

Xu Ai nodded.

"If he's Ms. Xu's classmate, then he's my friend. Include it under my account." President Chen told the sales associate generously. 

"Yes, President Chen!" The sales associate nodded politely. 

Xu Ai was shocked. She shook her head vigorously. "No, no!"

"Oh, Ms. Xu, please don't reject my offer. I'm a friend of Young Master Su. You are in a relationship with Young Master Su, which means you're my friend." President Chen smiled at Xu Ai sincerely. "That day was the first time everybody met Young Master Su's girlfriend. We were so happy and accidentally made you drink too much, making you and Young Master Su leave early. Next time, we won't drink as much so we can chat more."

Xu Ai's scalp was numb, but she still shook her head vigorously. "President Chen, you are being too generous! It's my friend who is buying the computer, we cannot make you pay. If you are too generous, then the only thing we can do is not buy it."

"Ms. Xu, it looks like you don't think of me as a friend then!" President Chen pretended to be unhappy.

Xu Ai smiled, "No, no, it's too…" She tried to make up a reason to refuse him but stopped all of a sudden and smiled with a hint of embarrassment. "If he knows I accepted a gift from you, then he will beat me to death with a computer. Please, President Chen, take back your offer for the sake of my life."

President Chen was stunned, then he suddenly remembered the way Su Xuan teased and bullied Xu Ai that day and came to a realization. He laughed out loud, "Well, if that is the case, then I will not force it on you. Young Master Su sure opens my eyes to his ways of teasing. Hahaha."

Xu Ai blushed at the thought of how angry she was that day.

"I won't bother you anymore, Ms. Xu. Although you didn't accept this computer as a gift from me, you won't say no to me offering a discount for your friend, right?" President Chen didn't wait for Xu Ai to respond, and he told the sales associate, "Give Ms. Xu's classmate 40 percent off on this."

"No, President Chen!" Xu Ai did not wish to owe President Chen a favor because of Zhao Yang. Forty percent off was quite a big markdown. 

"Ms. Xu, you are really not treating me as a friend by rejecting!" President Chen's face turned gloomy. 

Xu Ai was helpless. She paused for a bit and then nodded. 

President Chen started smiling again. He chit-chatted with Xu Ai a bit more, then he checked the time on his watch and said farewell to Xu Ai. 

After he left, Xu Ai turned around with her hand against her forehead. She saw Zhao Yang staring at her with his mouth and eyes wide open. She glowered at Zhao Yang and felt her blood boil. "I knew nothing good comes from seeing you!"

Zhao Yang came back to his senses and grabbed Xu Ai. "Yo, who is he!"

"How would I know!" Xu Ai hit him with her handbag. "This is your final warning. If you can't keep your hands to yourself, then don't ever say you know me."

Zhao Yang retrieved his hands immediately in horror. "He said he will offer me 40 percent off; is that for real?"

Xu Ai pretended he was air and didn't answer.

The sales associate made the receipt and handed it to Zhao Yang. She smiled and said, "Sir, that gentleman is President Chen of Blue Ocean Commerce, the brother-in-law of our mall's president. Every single employee at this mall knows him. If he offered you 40percent off, he genuinely meant it."

"Blue… Blue Ocean Commerce's President Chen?" Zhao Yang's mouth was wide open. 

Xu Ai took that receipt and slapped it across Zhao Yang's wide-open mouth. "Shut your yap and go to the cash register now. But of course, if you don't want it, then you don't have to take it."

"I will take it, I will. Of course, I'll take it!" Zhao Yang took the receipt and ran to the cash register, almost as if he was afraid the sales associate was going to change her mind. 

Xu Ai wanted to leave as soon as possible, but then she thought about it and decided to wait for him to return. 

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang to return with a wide smile on his face. He said to the sales associate, "I really got 40 percent off. Thank you so much!" 

The sales associate shook her head, then she took out the brand new computer and handed it to him. "President Chen gave you a discount because of this lady right here. You don't have to thank me, Sir. You should thank your classmate!"

"I definitely will thank her!" Zhao Yang turned around and flashed her a huge smile that had his features squished together. "Thank you so much! I clearly chose the right person to hunt for a computer with me today. You have saved me quite a lot of money. I don't have to starve myself next month."

Xu Ai didn't bother with looking at him or speaking to him. 

Zhao Yang picked up his new computer and checked it thoroughly, then he cheerfully placed it back in the packaging. He said to Xu Ai, "Let's go, I'll treat you to a nice meal."

"It's not lunchtime or dinner time; what's there to eat! I have something to tell you." Xu Ai started to exit the mall. 

Zhao Yang tread gleefully behind her and asked, "Tell me what? Just let me know the word, and I will even go to the end of the world for…"

"No wonder you still don't have a girlfriend! Nobody likes a glib-tongued sweet-talker!" Xu Ai interrupted. When they were finally outside, she gave him a serious warning, "Listen to me, do not speak a word to anyone about meeting President Chen today. Not a single word!"

Zhao Yang wanted to counter her previous argument, but he blinked after hearing her last sentence. "Why!"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" Xu Ai stared at him. "Anyway, if you dare to tell this to anyone, then you'll get more than what you bargained for!"

Zhao Yang pursed his lips and remembered something all of a sudden. His eyes glowed like two giant chandeliers. "Oh, I remembered! That President Chen mentioned a particular Young Master Su; did he mean Su Xuan? So he's really your boyfriend?"

Xu Ai's expression darkened. 

Zhao Yang stood there in a stupor for a while and mumbled, "So everything is true!"

"Do you agree or not?" Xu Ai was losing her patience. 

"Okay, okay, I won't say a word, I won't say a word." Zhao Yang nodded, then he asked carefully, "I can't even say a word on how you helped me with choosing a computer?"

"Not a word!" Xu Ai finally lost her patience.

"All right, no means no." Zhao Yang scratched his head. "But friends only keep his words for his friends. So that just means we're friends from now on!"

Xu Ai snorted and turned at her heel to head towards the subway station. "Do what you gotta do! I'm going home!"

Zhao Yang wanted to grab her and stop her but reminded himself of her earlier "keep his hands to himself" warning. It was all he could do to chase after her a few steps. "If you don't answer, then I'll take that as a silent yes!"

Xu Ai ignored him. 

"Be careful on your way home!" Zhao Yang told her.

Xu Ai finally waved at him and answered, "I know! Be careful on your way back to school too."

Zhao Yang stood there and smiled happily as he watched Xu Ai walk away.