Accomodate Her All the Time

Su Xuan drove smoothly at an even speed, and the three old ladies felt very safe sitting in the car. 

The three grandmas kept on chatting with Su Xuan one after one during the entire trip. They talked about things like, when did Su Xuan and Xu Ai meet, how they met, how long had they been dating, what he did for a living, and what kind of relatives he had. It was almost like a census survey.

Su Xuan wasn't impatient. He steered the car and answered all their questions with his comfortably-warm and soothing voice at the same time. 

He said that he worked at the Empyrean Corporation. 

He said that he had a grandfather, a grandmother, parents, and an older brother. 

He said that he and Xu Ai didn't meet for very long, only about two months. 

He said that he was still pursuing Xu Ai, and Xu Ai wouldn't admit he was her boyfriend. 

He said…

In the beginning, Xu Ai was rather against it when the three old ladies asked Su Xuan about his personal life, so much that she wanted to cover their mouths. But since when had those three grannies ever listened to her? Especially Xu Ai's grandma. She adored Su Xuan so much since he was so gentle and polite. He answered all of their questions nicely and casually, and his attitude was warm and sincere. Xu Ai, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. Thus, Xu Ai's grandma even chided Xu Ai twice and told her to stay nice and quiet. Xu Ai shut her mouth begrudgingly. 

Su Xuan gave her a few glances with a smile in his eyes.

If he wasn't driving, Xu Ai would have stomped on his feet eight or ten times.

Forty minutes later, they finally arrived at the hospital. 

Once the car was parked in the parking spot, Xu Ai opened the car door immediately and stepped out. 

The three old ladies had asked all they needed to ask. They were very much approved of Su Xuan and had all been calling him Little Xuan dearly, just like how grandparents call their grandchildren, or more like their grandson-in-law. They grew fonder of him by the second, and they laughed and smiled so much that their mouths never closed. 

Su Xuan stepped out of the car and opened the trunk to get their stuff.

Xu Ai's grandma noticed how Xu Ai just stood there and was not moving, so she ordered, "Darn girl, why are you letting Little Xuan do all the work? Come here and help him with all this stuff!"

Xu Ai was livid with an eerie rage, but still, she walked towards them under the gazes and urges from the three grannies. 

Su Xuan didn't see himself as an outsider as well; he immediately handed the two bags that were in his hand to her and very naturally caught her other hand. He smiled and comforted her, "There, there, don't get angry. Look how long you've stayed in a bad mood. Be careful, anger will diminish your beauty."

Xu Ai wanted to beat away his hand, but he only held onto her tighter. She looked up to glower at him. He can't get enough with bullying people?

Su Xuan's smile was gentle. "We're here to visit a patient, right? If you keep a tight expression like that, the patient won't feel good."

Xu Ai moved her head to the side and breathed in deeper and deeper. She didn't want her anger to get to her, so the only thing she could do was to ignore him.

"Let's go!" Now that she did not protest any further, Su Xuan smiled and nodded to the three old ladies.

The three grannies smiled even brighter when they saw the two of them holding hands. They nodded and walked to the hospital. 

Sun Pinting and a luxuriously dressed, middle-aged beauty were waiting by the entrance. When they saw Xu Ai and Su Xuan holding hands with the gifts in their other hands, Sun Pinting's eyes and mouth opened wide and looked at them in a daze.

Xu Ai tried her hardest to let go of his hand, but Su Xuan had a death grip on her hand, from which there was no way for her to escape. She couldn't help but blush. 

"Ai-Ai?" The middle-aged beauty called out her name in shock. "Huh?" She looked at Su Xuan.

"Auntie, it's me!" Xu Ai greeted her. 

"I thought I was mistaken. It really is you." The middle-aged beauty stepped forward and greeted the three old ladies, "Auntie Xu, Auntie Zhang, and Auntie Wang. Ting-Ting just told me this morning that the three of you are coming. Had she told me earlier, I would've sent someone to pick you up so you wouldn't have to come here by yourselves."

"Why welcome us here? We have working arms and legs, so we can just come here by ourselves," Xu Ai's grandma laughed and said. 

The middle-aged beauty also laughed along, "You three are like three flowers on the same stem. If my mother-in-law didn't move away from the nursing home, she'll probably still be as energetic as you three. It's all my fault. I wanted the entire family to live together; I worried I shouldn't leave her there by herself. But now…"

"You've fulfilled your filial piety! She's very lucky to have a daughter-in-law like you. How could she ever blame you? Who doesn't fall ill?" Grandma Zhang cut her off. 

Grandma Wang added, "Yeah, it's not your fault. A family should live together."

"If it weren't for my son and daughter-in-law being pandered by capitalism and deciding to live abroad, then I'd live with them as well," Xu Ai's grandma chimed in.

The middle-aged beauty smiled and nodded as the self-blame disappeared from her face. She looked at Su Xuan, who was beside Xu Ai, and wondered, "This gentleman is…"

Before Su Xuan opened his mouth, the three old ladies said in unison, "Ai-Ai's boyfriend!"

Xu Ai almost coughed out blood. 

"Ah? Ai-Ai has a boyfriend?" The middle-aged beauty was even more confused as she checked out Su Xuan.

"Yeah, this darn girl even kept that from me, and I just found out today as well." Xu Ai's grandma gave Xu Ai a chiding glare. She then introduced the two new people to Su Xuan, "Little Xuan, this is your Auntie Liu. The girl beside her is Ting-Ting, she and our Ai-Ai had been inseparable since they were kids. Auntie Liu is her mother."

Xu Ai wanted to hit the ground. She looked at her grandma helplessly and thought, Since when did the word "our" apply here?

"Auntie Liu!" Su Xuan greeted her with a smile and introduced himself, "I'm Su Xuan!"

"It really is you, I thought I was mistaken!" Ting-Ting's mother laughed suddenly, "You and Ai-Ai…" She looked at them and saw Xu Ai lowering her head and Su Xuan remaining silent but smiling. She changed the topic in laughter, "I never heard Ting-Ting mentioning this."

"This darn girl keeps a tight lip!" Xu Ai's grandma commented. 

"Mr. Su is an extraordinary man for his age." Ting-Ting's mother smiled as she looked at them. "Ai-Ai has good taste."

"Auntie is my elder, you can just call me Little Xuan as the grannies do." Su Xuan's smile was courteous. 

Ting-Ting's mother smiled and nodded. She obviously had a better memory than the three grannies, and she knew who Su Xuan was. She looked at Sun Pinting, who was no longer shocked and was winking at Xu Ai. The grin disappeared from her face as she glowered and scolded, "Ting-Ting, why haven't you greeted the three grandmothers yet? How rude!"

"Good to see you, Grannies!" Sun Pinting stood with her back straightened before bowing down to them mischievously. 

Her gesture made the three old ladies laugh. "She's just like when she was little, still so mischievous. She army-salutes us every time."

"She is so mischievous!" Ting-Ting's mother smacked Sun Pinting on her head and then led everyone inside with a smile.

Sun Pinting covered her head and lifted the corners of her lips, then she stepped away from the entrance to make way.

Ting-Ting's mother accompanied the three old ladies inside, and Su Xuan hauled Xu Ai behind them.

The group entered the senior residence room.

A nurse was present beside the old lady laying on the hospital bed in the room.

The old lady was Ting-Ting's grandmother. An IV tube was attached to her hand.

When the door was opened, the old lady who was laying on the bed urged the nurse beside her, "Hurry, get me up!"

"Oh, just lay down!" Grandma Zhang, who was the first to enter the senior patient room, waved her hands at the comment. 

"I can't be laying down now that you're here. I've been lying in bed for days." Ting-Ting's grandma shook her head.

The nurse slowly helped her get up, then she placed a cushion behind her lower back.

Xu Ai's grandma and Grandma Wang followed. The old BFFs greeted each other with utmost excitement.

After their small chat, Ting-Ting's grandma turned to Su Xuan and Xu Ai. "Ai-Ai got even prettier! This gentleman beside you is…"

"Ai-Ai's boyfriend. His name is Su Xuan, just call him Little Xuan," the three grannies said together laughingly.

Xu Ai lowered her head and realized there was nothing she could do to take the label off her name.

Xu Ai's grandma introduced Ting-Ting's grandma to Su Xuan, "Little Xuan, this is Grandma Li."

"Hello, Grandma Li!" Su Xuan greeted her nicely.

"Oh, so it's real! I wondered why they were holding hands!" Ting-Ting's grandma checked out Su Xuan with glee. 

Su Xuan let her look at him all she wanted, keeping a warm smile on his face all the time. 

Ting-Ting's grandma nodded and smiled after she checked him out for a while. "This is the first time I've ever seen such an extraordinary young man. Ai-Ai is a lucky girl!" Then, she turned to look at Sun Pinting. "When can that darn girl Ting-Ting grow a pair and finally bring a boyfriend to see me."

"She will!" The three old ladies laughed, "Is it even possible for our girls to not have suitors?"

"Ting-Ting is not as well-behaved or as likable as Ai-Ai!" Ting-Ting's grandma laughed.

"How is she not likable? If you don't like Ai-Ai, you can hand your granddaughter to me. I'd be even happier with two granddaughters." Xu Ai's grandma laughed as she chided Ting-Ting's grandma with a glance. 

"You already have an amazing granddaughter and an even better grandson-in-law, yet you're trying to steal someone else's granddaughter. Have you no shame?" Ting-Ting's grandma snorted at Xu Ai's grandma, "I won't give her to you even if she's just a little blade of grass."

Everyone in the room began laughing hysterically at that comment.

Sun Pinting stuck out her tongue. 

Although Xu Ai was not in a great mood, she still found it funny.

"You three are youngsters; you probably don't want to be with a bunch of old ladies. Why don't you find somewhere outside to hang out!" Xu Ai's grandma waved at Su Xuan, Xu Ai, and Sun Pinting and said, "Come back an hour later, then we'll go back together."

The other three old ladies concurred, "Yes, young people won't find old ladies like us interesting!"

Su Xuan grinned and shook his head. "Let Ai-Ai and her go out, I'll stay here to accompany grandmas."

The old ladies waved their hands. "No, that's fine."

"They have things to talk about. I'm here to visit Grandma, and I can always stay here for however long you want." Su Xuan let go of Xu Ai's hand, then he patted her head lovingly. "Just go! Little Li will bring some gifts here later, and I'll just wait here."

Xu Ai frowned. "Little Li?"

"I can't come to visit grandma and not bring anything. He will bring them here later." Su Xuan lowered his voice and said, "If you don't go out, does that mean you want to stay here with me?"

Xu Ai pushed the door and stepped out.

Sun Pinting chased after her.

The way they hurried outside made the old ladies in the patient room laugh.

"Look, they're still little girls. And just like when they were little, they are still uncontrollable." Grandma Zhang commented.

"Isn't that true?" Xu Ai's grandma was extremely pleased with Su Xuan. She gave him a kind smile. "What a burden on Little Xuan, please be patient with her from now on and accommodate her all the time."

"What a good boy!" Grandma Wang complimented Su Xuan.

Ting-Ting's grandma also piled on the compliments. 

Ting-Ting's mother smiled but didn't speak, as she handed fruits to the old ladies.

Su Xuan sat at a chair beside the window and grinned as he listened to their conversations. He didn't feel uncomfortable at all by staying here.

Xu Ai dashed as she stepped outside the patient room, and Sun Pinting stopped her. "Hey, why are you walking so darn fast?"

Xu Ai glowered at her angrily. "It's all your fault!"

Sun Pinting was a little confused. "How is it my fault?"

"If it weren't for you meddling around, then would I ever get involved with him?" Xu Ai felt hellfires burning in her core at the thought of this.

Sun Pinting came to a sudden realization and laughed, "Ah, I see, so that makes me your Cupid! I wondered why the two of you came here holding hands. Haha, how did it feel? Empyrean CEO Su Xuan's hands aren't easy to get a hold on! Did you feel any happiness there!"

"Happiness your *ss!" Xu Ai shook away her arm that was in Sun Pinting's hand. 

Sun Pinting pursed her lips. "I noticed how you acted like such a good girl in front of him and didn't struggle, so how come you're being all high and mighty when it comes to me? How boring!"

Xu Ai almost fainted. Did I not try to struggle? Was I even able to escape? He is as cunning as a fox, no, a wolf! He is only wearing sheep clothing. She stomped her foot in anger. "Which one of your eyes saw that?"

"I saw that with both of my eyes!" Sun Pinting blinked.

"I'll claw your eyes out!" Xu Ai gestured doing so. 

Sun Pinting dodged in fear and cried out, "Why are you so mad, holy! You're not yourself today!"

Xu Ai turned around and walked out.

Sun Pinting followed her closely. "Tell me, what is going on?"

"I got nothing to tell you!" Xu Ai didn't even turn around.

Sun Pinting persisted. "If you tell me about you and Su Xuan, then I'll tell you about me and that dumb block of wood."

"I ain't interested in that dumb block of wood of yours!" Xu Ai wasn't buying it.

Sun Pinting choked. "But I'm interested in that Su Xuan of yours!"

"He's not mine!" Xu Ai clenched her teeth.

Sun Pinting snorted. "He's not yours? He already met your family members!"

Xu Ai covered her forehead, feeling like her head was about to explode. "Kill me now!" 

"Did Su Xuan bully you? How did he bully you? Tell me, and I'll give you some ideas to bully him back." Sun Pinting had never seen Xu Ai like this before. She was curious and surprised. The more Xu Ai kept her mouth shut, the more interested Sun Pinting grew.

Xu Ai exited from the back door and let out a sigh of relief. "I'll be damned if I believe you! You want to help me bully him back? It's good enough that you're not laughing at me! Such a crappy friend! I must have gotten terrible luck in my eight past lives to have gotten to know you!"

"Whoa, Ai-Ai, you're questioning the camaraderie that we have shared since we were little?" Sun Pinting frowned and pretended to be angry.

Xu Ai rolled her eyes at her and sat on a bench nearby.

"If you don't want to talk, then whatever!" Sun Pinting realized she was probably going to keep her mouth shut about this matter no matter what. Even though she was dying to find out, she still knew Xu Ai's temperaments. If Xu Ai was determined to keep a tight lip on a subject matter, then her flapper would become like Fort Knox, impossible to open up. Sun Pinting gave her a nudge on her arm. "Even if you won't tell me, I'll tell you about that block of wood, how about that."

Xu Ai nodded. Since Sun Pinting was willing to talk, then she would force herself to listen! She had heard countless versions of Sun Pinting's love life. 

Sun Pinting immediately began to tell her story. 

Xu Ai listened quietly. The synopsis of this version was, since the day Sun Pinting came back from their shopping trip, she started stalking that block of wood and began her relentless pursuit. However, she didn't know if that block of wood was actually made of wood or had prosopagnosia; Princess Sun "accidentally" ran into him multiple times a day and chatted to him multiple times a day, yet he still had trouble remembering her face. Whenever he saw her next, he would ask, "Miss, do I know you?"

In Princess Sun's stories, she never had met someone like that!

She had never met a person who couldn't remember the Great Beauty Sun after more than a few run-ins!

She made up her mind yesterday and skipped her classes to follow him for a whole day of class, but all that work was futile. 

She felt a little blue, but failure only made her stronger. It made her more intrigued and excited, and she even decided to keep chasing him on Monday.

Xu Ai couldn't help but to give Sun Pinting a heavy blow at the sight of her tough vigilance. "What if he didn't act like that on purpose and really has difficulty distinguishing faces?"

"So what? He's hot, mama's not going to back down!" Sun Pinting had courage written all over her face. 

Xu Ai was speechless.

"Any plans tonight? Why don't we go and have some fun at our usual hang-out spot?" Sun Pinting nudged Xu Ai.

All of a sudden, Xu Ai remembered the wine party Lin Shen had mentioned and shook her head. "Not tonight."

"What? Su Xuan's got plans? Lover's world? Dinner? Movie? Joy ride?" Sun Pinting guessed while gawking at Xu Ai with stars in her eyes.

"What the hell are you bullsh*tting?" Xu Ai shook her head. "It's Lin Shen. He said there's a wine party and he wants me to attend with him."

Sun Pinting glowered at her instantly. "Why are you still involved with him?"

"I'm still employed at his company. Even though he said he won't be getting any projects for the next little while, I still need to present myself at the need of my company." Xu Ai lowered her head to stare at the ground. "And don't forget about the five percent shares! I can't just take the money and not do work!"

"Aha, that's right, five percent shares. His company has a bright future ahead that is filled with abundance and prosperity. You can't overlook the five percent!" Sun Pinting's expression changed quickly. "However, you have Su Xuan now, so five percent probably isn't worth crap to you. Just give it to me in the future."

Xu Ai didn't know if she should laugh or cry. "Princess Sun, you have the words 'broke-as-hell' written all over your face!"

"Ain't that the truth!" Sun Pinting cupped her face with her hands. "I hate how my card gets frozen a few times every week!"