It was a gloomy night when that person who everyone considered, a flower, with a peach-blossom face, snowy white skin, and slender figure, was putting a very toxic chemical (poison) in all the ration available then suddenly...

"What are you doing?"

"Aahhhh...." he shrieked. "Don't disturb me. I'm writing something serious here."

With a deadpanned expression, she showed him a paper on which was written something that cannot be called human language. "You're writing fanfic."

"Witch" he whispered and seized his paper. "No, I'm changing destiny."

"What changing destiny, you're obviously writing on that story. Stop dwelling on it."

"But...No, it's wrong", he firmly refuted. "I debunk it. They were wrong but he died and they got what, happily-ever-after", he stated with dramatic actions. Bullshit

"Oh, my cutie... little baby brother", she whined while making grabbing actions towards him. "You look really cute when you're serious."

His eyebrows twitched, blocking those ascending hands, he pushed her out of the room. "Go away, let me concentrate" and went to his residing spot for writing. He worked till 3:00 am then suddenly a feasible scent of something pleasant wafted, filling the air. Slowly he started to feel drowsy, he squinted his eyes to clear the vision but after some time fell asleep.

That full of peaceful abode in which moon rays were making their way, giving the resting body an ethereal look, a presence makes their way into the room and pitch-blackness surrounds the whole room, not even leaving the slightest trace of moonlight.

That presence strives near an unbudgeable and subtle lying form and said in a very sad tone.

"I am sorry, dear one, but this is best for everyone."

He scooped him up and left, leaving behind a scene of burning little home and a soft sound of 'forgive us' in the air.