Don't you ever dare to touch me!

The entire room turned in absolute silence. Tsuyo was staring, indignantly, at other presences who were still gaping, looking equally confused and stupid. He knew that it was out of this person character whose body, he was occupying but he didn't care at all.

He could accumulate from his lethargic body of what was the situation? That how these two deceitful people planned all this and how this autocratic handsome played his part?

Tsuyo could still remember the fading words 'Please, just one time' filled with sorrow, this person uttered before drowning. This person whose name was similar, like his, Tsuyoshi kanjo.

In the story, he was the younger son of the shogun, from Kanjo region. His older brother, Takagi kanjo, and older sister, Sasagi Kanjo, were filled with jealousy and enmity, because their father doted on him, constantly. Perhaps, he was not blood-related, which wasn't mentioned in the story, that even after marrying the Emperor and becoming the Empress, his older sister wasn't lenient towards him. She, somehow tricked him into, coming in Spring Palace, secretly and imprisoned him. Then she drugged him and left him into the Dragon Palace, Emperor's sleeping quarter. Emperor, who was heavily influenced by an aphrodisiac dose forced himself on him, all night. Next morning, the b*stard fled with his tail between his legs, not even sparing a glance at other people. He also left the kingdom, declaring that this was for security means. Upon his return, Sasagi, presented him a child, claiming that she hid his misconduct and everyone in the kingdom were informed that this was their Crown Prince and Tsuyoshi died during childbirth. The Emperor was sad but still, he didn't do anything to let the truth come out and even helped in destroying all the pieces of evidence and witnesses. Not even the general looked for him, on whom Tsuyoshi used to have a crush on. All there left was, Tsuyoshi secluded in an unknown place, guarded by two servants. In his last attempt to see his son, he escaped but fell into the Grand River and died.

Then the story just continuous with the arrival of the female protagonist who enters the Imperial harem and confronts the Emperor, revealing the inner conspiracy between Royal brothers, finally changes them into a better person. But in the midst of all this, Tsuyoshi life dissipated like an insignificant matter.

Tsuyo couldn't forget his last words as they kept ringing in the head, like, he didn't just read them as a reader, or watched on sidelines like a spectator but lived it like life or precisely death.

So, what if, they changed, robbing someone's life, then forgetting it and moving on with new life was just so disgusting, so revolting, that he wants to gag right now, just from looking at them.

Tsuyo inner thoughts were short-lived but still enough to let everyone stare a little longer. Tsuyo was glaring while thinking so he didn't notice that with his pear blossom & delicate face, sky-like waist length hairs scattered with similar looking eyes, fair & pure looking skin and wearing a silky white robe, was doing nothing but displaying a very fiery snowy cat, especially for the Emperor.

"jesty…Majesty…Your Majesty? YOUR MAJESTY?"

"What?" The Emperor shot a very unpleasant look at her as if saying 'How dare you to disturb me for seeing such a beautiful sight.'

Tremblingly she said, "Apologies your Majesty, your wife asks for forgiveness. Please be lenient with her."

"Speak!" The tone had a trace of impatience which stunned her greatly. However, she calmed herself a little.

"Your Majesty, I humbly request for forgiveness for my rude behavior earlier but this wife wants to know, what is this person doing in his highness's sleeping quarter."

The gaze she shot the other person on the bed, was carrying such a deep unconcealed hatred but he was already emitting a barrier of animosity which kicked her hate aside. Still, it was noticed by the Emperor.

"Do you question your Emperor?" The heavy voice consisting dominance was enough for everyone to guess that the speaker was not in a good mood.

But in her defiance, she stood her ground. She couldn't grasp the situation or the Emperor's anger but the plan was reverting to a different direction and it wasn't good.

"Your Majesty, thi-

"Enough", he said, cutting her off. "This matter is settled. You can leave now."

His voice kept resonating in her ears for almost two minutes. She didn't spare a glance at anyone when she bowed and fled from there. The person who came with her also gave his salutations and went in a leisure manner.

Tsuyo was watching this whole drama with confusing and amusing eyes. This was amusing because her fuming look was funny and confusing cause it wasn't supposed to happen like this.

'Weren't they supposed to come after this person ran after the deed, like a coward."

"Who's the coward", a whispering sound came and he would've responded with 'You' if not for those black orbs sucking him in.

The Emperor was staring intently, so Tsuyo also thickened his own skin and kept gazing with a straight face.

After the staring contest, the Emperor suddenly asked in a reassuring tone, "Are you okay? Is your body is in any discomfort?" Removing the silk quilt, the heavy chain came into view.

"Let me remove it." With clicking sound, it came undone and the chain was put aside.

The Emperor kept caressing his feet like a treasure while tracing the red markings on the ankle. He moved forward, bowed and gave the feet a feathery kiss. A single drop of tear also fell but Tsuyo disregard it and just as his highness pulled up, Tsuyo directly attached his foot to the Emperor's face.

"Don't you ever dare to touch me!"