Chapter 4 (Kill Him Part 2)

"Don't say anything. Just don't", Tsuyo said menacingly. "What? Shouldn't have done what? Forcing me to stay or knocking me down? You have a lot to apologize for."

He was so angry with this bastard. How dare he think after doing something like the previous night, he can come and just say his apology? I will kill him.


Last night ~~~~~~

"Don't you ever dare to touch me!"

Tsuyo was so disgusted with this being of the Emperor. He also didn't want his foot to come in contact with this person.

"Don't be angry! You should rest. It is still night time." Emperor removed his foot with ease, gently putting on the bed.

Angry Tsuyo wretched his foot from the evil hands. He started to get up but the other person couldn't have that. He caught Tsuyo's hand and tugged with a little force, making him sit again.

"What are you trying to do?" The Emperor asked with a questioning gaze.

"What does it look like? Tsuyo retorted. "I'm going out."

"What do you mean? I said you should rest", Emperor stated, trying to grip firmly of a squirming child.

"And I said 'stop touching me'. Tsuyo was having a really hard time to get away but the Emperor still didn't loosen his grip. "What is it to you? It's my choice where or when I want to go?" "Let go!" Tsuyo thought this poor body was so weak. He can't even budge his hands. Where is your strength, Tsuyoshi?

Tsuyo original body wasn't this weak. He didn't have a big, muscular body but still, he can fight on his own, throw strong punches with agility and all. Now all he could do is cry invisible tears. What the f**k.

"Take rest first. We'll talk in the daytime."

"No! I don't want to. Let me go right now."

"It isn't possible. Where will you go? Its night time.

"Did I ask? I'm telling you. Let me go!" Tsuyo managed to twist free his hands from the emperor's clutches.

As he started to rise again, a powerful blow strike at his nape making him unconscious instantly. "You should rest. You're weak now", Emperor whispered while tucking Tsuyo in, gently and finally lying beside him.

The next thing Tsuyo knew he was sleeping in this room of the so-called Spring Palace. Literally, this place really was an epitome of spring, with this big greenery just outside his room, buzzing of bees, flying beautiful butterflies, presence of almost every flower in view and air, big trees of peaches and all.

The sleeping quarter was huge and coming out of the room he found the room double the size of his bedroom where a line of maidservants was kneeling and two lines of guards were standing. He found out that it was a sitting place. 'Wow, how much space was needed just for sitting. What a waste' he thought.

He stood there for half a minute then turned around to his sleeping quarter. The two sliding doors at either side of the room. A small one leads to the bath area and the big one opened to the garden. He was just staring at a distance when his sister barged into the room and started questioning.

Well, first a glaring Empress and now a staring Emperor. What the hell?

When a throat-clearing sound came, he glanced blankly at the Emperor.

With a very condensing tone, "Tomorrow is an important day. I want you to prepare for---"

"What do you mean by preparation? Tsuyo interjected. He was dumbfounded, as not being able to grasp this situation. Since he wasn't raped, this person didn't flee from here leading the flow of story clearly in an unexpected direction.

"I'm not preparing for anything. Well, you're here, so listen. I'm going home, to the Kanto region. So, for whatever you are preparing, Count me out."

The Emperor was speechless. 'Perhaps this is his personality. We didn't interact much so maybe I wasn't able to notice but his disobedience, Cute' he thought.

The Emperor moved, coming in close proximity and caress his hair, "Okay! Settle first, I will explain at night." With this, he left.

Tsuyo kept glaring at the retreating figure while wiping his hair clean with a cloth.

"Tsu-nii, this doesn't feel good. We should go." And Tsuyo fainted.