Two Separate Millions

Although Xing Ta Ge didn't care much for the publication of their manga—for he only wanted it as a starting portfolio piece—but seeing the successful review result of their first submission, he was still very excited.

Meng Fan was too.

So far, there had been several accomplishment tasks, fourteen in total. But To Meng Fan, there were only two tasks that he had genuinely wanted to complete. One is the illustrator task, and the other being the manga artist task.

Of course, he could not ignore the attribute rewards he'd gained from the other tasks.

Among these attribute rewards, Meng fan cared the most about the ones that could assist his drawing process, for example, hand speed.

He told himself it had been for finding love, but really, he was more concerned about his art.

If you asked Meng Fan what he spent most of his life's time, then it would undoubtedly be… sleeping.

Of course, aside from sleeping, next would be drawing.