Really Can’t Play Basketball

In the afternoon was Mr. Ma's class. Meng Fan looked around and was sure there were at least 4 or 5 others who had skipped the class like Chen Da Qiang. However, Mr. Ma blissfully continued his lecture, not remembering this issue existed. Meng Fan was so envious he wanted to take the initiative and report these guys for skipping class!

Halfway through the class, Xing Ta Ge squeezed next to Meng Fan from the other side of the room. Mr. Ma remained calm as if he didn't see anything.

Xing Ta Ge handed the phone to Meng Fan and whispered, "Fatty, your sister's pregnant?!"

After finding out about Meng Cai Wei being his sister, Meng Fan did not have to specifically remind Xing Ta Ge for him to remain tight-lipped. Even their other roommates didn't know.