Breaking Vases and Fake Fainting


This cafeteria mainly catered to celebrities and did not have many people at the moment. However it wasn't empty either, and after hearing the commotion, they all looked toward her.

Bai Zhi spilled juice on Zhu Yu's face!

This was headline-worthy news!

They were rumored to be seen together too; there must be more to it!

Everyone's eyes were lit with the flame of gossip.

Zhu Yu sat frozen in his seat, covered in juice. He knew Bai Zhi had always been stubborn, but he didn't think she would be rash enough to dump juice on him in broad daylight. He had prepared to be dismissed by Bai Zhi with a wave of her hand, but he was not ready for this.

"You're crazy!"

Zhu Yu looked like a wet cat, screaming. This time, not only the people in the cafeteria turned their heads, but the ones walking by did as well.

Bai Zhi threw her empty cup aside and said to him coldly. "Get out."