Not the Luck He Wanted

As he delegated his upgrades in the shower, Meng Fan felt very satisfied.

During his shower, he gained +1 luck, +2 vocal appeal, and +3 imagination. Cool.

Plus, he triggered another task, requiring him to distribute 100 million HXB. How great (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻.

[God of Fortune] was also separated into processes, defined by three tasks.

Task phase 1: Requires distribution of 10 million HXB; reward: points +1000

Task phase 2: Requires distribution of 50 million HXB; reward: points +5000

Task phase 3: Requires distribution of 100 million HXB; reward: points +10000

The experience he accumulated from the [Wealth Distribution Cherub] task had been added to this task. Currently, he completed 1/10th of the first task that needed 10 million. There was 9/10th left to distribute. Ha!