Studio Bug

After eating, Chen Da Qiang and Xing Ta Ge, who've been converted by Meng Fan into fans of Su Qin Cen had become brain dead fans.

"Shan Jin bro, you look so much better in person than on-screen!"

"How can a human have such nice skin?!"

"Pay attention to your wording, is she a human? She's a goddess!"

"Right right right! How can a mortal have such nice skin, such an elegant posture, and such a beautiful smile!"

"Shan Jin bro is so famous, how can she even interact with mortals?!"

Meng Fan listened to the two rattles about Su Qing Cen after she left like those two little girls. He was speechless. Do you know why she's approaching you, mortals? Do you really not have any f*cking clue?

"I'm going to the cultural park with Da Qiang, how about you?"

"Hold up, I'll grab the car and drop you guys off."