1000 Kilometers Completed

Hangzhou in November was no longer just a little cold, but this temperature did not stop couples from wandering around the track field. Especially those who were still in the honeymoon phase. They, for some reason, loved to circle the track field alone at night.

'It's getting cold?'

'I'll give you my jacket.'

'Still cold?'

'Give me your hand!'

Why do couples love going to the track field so much? Because the name was fitting.

The track field usually consisted of couples, and rarely individuals, nonetheless groups of three. But at this late hour, Meng Fan was the only person running.

Not long after entering the track, Meng Fan had completed a half marathon in 1 hour and 59 minutes. Although his pace from Da Mei to the school had been pretty fast, it wasn't ideal. He only reached the 2-hour mark as a result of his energy drinks and energy chews.