Single Edition Release

Wu Tong had spent two days in the Palace Museum. Time spent restoring ancient paintings went by fast even though she was just a spectator. She gained a lot of experience and was grateful just to fix some edges.

What she didn't expect was that on the third day, the master in charge of ancient painting restoration had arranged an important task for her. She was so excited she had broken into a small dance. Her professional skills had been recognized by an industry master, and it was not just a verbal recognition either! There was nothing else that could make her happier.

Oh, wait, there was. That would be the happiness from sharing this exciting news, for example, with Meng Fan.

"It's already pompous that you're so good looking, but you're talented too. You can really do whatever you want!"

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Of course, if these are compliments, then nothing I say is worth considering."