[Famous Streamer], Complete!

After getting into the car, Meng Fan checked his stream interface before checking the progress for [Famous Streamer]. He only needed 300,000 views.

Before the stream tonight, he'd needed 4 million viewers. Technically speaking, it would have been very difficult to gain 4 million viewers in one broadcast, so Meng Fan had tried pretty hard to make it happen this time around. Aside from imitating Mr. Li Lihong while he ate street food, he even prepared several other gimmicks to ensure he could gain all the views in one go.

He didn't expect that in the short period after Su Qingcen's 'disguise' collapsed, his live stream had attracted over 2 million viewers, totalling the final number of viewers to be over 3.5 million.

This entire process, including the beginning, only took less than an hour.

Su Qingcen's popularity was terrifying indeed.