The IronFans

"Did Meng Fan really reward himself? Maybe it's an impersonator?"

"Impersonator, my ass! Take a look for yourself, it is the author's account!"

"Rewarding himself with a hundred million! That bastard has no shame!"

"And for a manga without a contract!"

"Come on, it doesn't even have content!"

"I despise such shameless acts, even those online web writers don't behave like that! Even if the money had been converted by a sockpuppet, how much boldness and confidence would it take!"

"Hahahahaha, I guess such a shameful thing could have been done only by Meng Fatty!"

"Why is it that Meng Fan is always doing only positive stuff, and yet I still think this kind of behavior is exactly his style?"

"Because Meng Fatty is trouble!"

"I don't care how much the reward is, I just want to know when the content will be uploaded."

"I can't wait for Meng Fatty's original work!"

"Can't wait +1!"