All about Cellox

Ryan helped Allen discharge from the hospital and drove him to his house. Shelly and Julian were waiting for them at Allen's door as Ryan had instructed.

"Make yourself at home," Allen said sluggishly after opening the door and letting them in. Then he himself plopped down onto a chair.

Although he had already been fully healed, staying on the hospital bed for 2 weeks made him felt lethargic and he had not recovered all of his vigor yet.

"These are the information you asked for," Shelly took out the files Derek gave her and handed them over to Ryan.

Ryan asked Shelly to go back home in person and find out all the illegal operations under Cellox. With the hint he got from 'doc', he decided to look back into the past 18 years. He sincerely felt gratitude for the Conwell couple as those information were dark secrets for Conwell Corps which could not be disclosed easily. Even though their targets were the same, Derek did not have any obligation to help him at all. He took the files over and studied them intently.

"When Derek took over Conwell Corps and started to change the infrastructure, a few shareholders relentlessly opposed him. They did not want to lose those 'resources'. But, Derek was firm with his decision and most of the shareholders were on his side. He kicked out those opposing parties from the board of directors and went forward with his plans. When we heard that Cellox brand name had reappeared, those shareholders were the first people to come into our mind but we haven't found any concrete evidence, yet," Shelly said.

"I see that Mr. Conwell included their information as well in the files. Please thank him for me," Ryan said.

"You don't really need to. We're just scratching each other's back. He had followed up your character and all your accomplishments. If he thought you were untrustworthy, he wouldn't provide those data no matter what I said," Shelly responded with a shrug.

"Umm… It's understandable that he would trust Captain but what about me," Julian said while pointing to himself. He had been wanting to ask this question since the day they met Derek.

"Come on, rookie. You don't think I'm good at judging people? You had been my partner for almost nine months and I know you inside out. If you have a flaw, that's that you are too honest to a fault and not good at pretending at all. Just don't slip up and you'll be fine," Shelly said nonchalantly.

Actually, Ryan did not want to pull Julian into this mess at all but Shelly insisted, even saying that she would protect him if push comes to shove.

"Okay, then. Let's check them out and think of our next plan," Ryan said.

With that, they discussed about the information they held in their hands and how they should proceed. As they looked into the information, Ryan found out that what Vivienne said was right. There was indeed a drug with similar effects being researched 18 years ago although it did not get to the production stage.

"So, the end product would not only have calming effects but also help with your concentration and hence enhancing your thinking abilities? Wow!" Allen remarked.

"But if so, it would not be an illegal drug as it does not cloud your mind. No?" Julian thought out loud.

"Why do you think uppers[1] are illegal?" Shelly asked with an amused tone.

"Because of their side-effects? But such kind of effects were not found in this drug. The worst side-effect is just the bleeding and I think they're researching to make this problem disappear," Julian answered.

Yes. This drug would not cause mental disturbances like paranoia, agitation, anxiety or exhaustion. However,

"Don't you think 'apathy' is the worst effect? The data stated that with long-term use, people would become devoid of emotions. That meant that they won't feel guilt even after killing or raping someone."

Everyone became thoughtful after Ryan's remark. It was nice to control your emotions and calm your nerves for a short while but if it became a long-lasting condition, the consequences would be dire. And there was no way people would not be addicted to the good effects of the drug even without the craving. It was a dangerous drug after all.

"The lead researchers have died in the explosion 18 years, ago," Allen said as he read the documents in his hand.

Ryan was drawn in by the words 'lead researchers' and said, "Read out loud."

"Dr. Daniel Maura, Neurologist…"

Before Allen could continue, Ryan interjected, "Wait! Don't tell me he's that Dr. Maura?"

"Who?" Julian asked.

"He's one of the top neurologists in research field. He found cures and new drugs for many neurological diseases together with her wife Dr. Emily Maura, a renowned pharmaceutical scientist. There was no one in the capital city who had not heard about this couple. They were always on TVs and magazines until he disappeared 23 years ago. Even after they disappeared, their names were mentioned in various media from time to time because of the treatments and findings named after them," Shelly explained.

Even Allen who was not from the capital city had seen them on TV and he nodded.

"Yes. He's the one. The Maura couple was the lead researchers for this project. It seemed when they disappeared from the capital city, they moved to City X," Allen said.

"Why would people like that get involved in such a project?" Julian asked.

"May be Cellox held their weakness?" Ryan said.

"Spot on, Captain. The report mentioned that their 13 year old daughter also died in the explosion. What kind of parents would bring their daughter to a crime city and an illegal research facility at that? May be Cellox held their daughter as hostage to make them contribute," Allen pondered.

Shelly nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's highly possible. I've also heard from Derek that most of the professionals in those illegal drug manufacturing were forced to come by one mean or another."

"It's more than that," Julian said as he spread out the documents he was holding on to the coffee-table.

"Even 12 year old kids were used as test subjects and their daughter was also one of them," he added just as he pointed towards the data for a girl with the last name 'Maura'. True enough, they found Daniel's and Emily's names on the parents' name section.

All the officers felt as if a heavy rock was pressing on their chest as they thought about how 12 year old kids were experimented as lab rats at that time.

"They were still younger than me at that time," Allen said in a distressed tone.

Ryan also remembered how he slept on a warm bed and ate warm food under the protection of his parents while he was still 12 years old.

"They are monsters," Julian said with a stern expression. It was too much for a rookie detective who had yet to see the real darkness of the society.

Shelly gave him a comforting smile. "Yes, they are. But aren't we already trying to make them pay?"

Julian became determined after hearing Shelly's words.

"Yes, we'll definitely make them pay."

"Okay. So, since the information of the drug that should've burnt down with the facility still got out somehow, we should be searching for the survivors of the explosion. Do those shareholders also have the research data?" Allen dedicated the last words to Shelly.

"No, they don't and Derek had already destroyed the formula of all the illegal drugs."

"Then, we'll look for the survivors of the facility, especially the other researchers involved. Let's end it here today." Ryan said.

The wall clock in Allen's living room was showing that it was already 2 am.

They bid farewell to Allen and walked towards their own vehicles. Just after Ryan opened his door to get on the car, he saw Shelly following behind him.

"Cap, there's something I want you to see."

She gave him a file and Ryan took it. As he was going to read it, Shelly added.

"I think it would be better if you see it alone after you got home"

'Why so mysterious', Ryan wondered.

Following Shelly's advice, he only opened the file to look at the contents when he got home. And he realized why Shelly warned him.

As he read the file word by word thoroughly, his hands started to tremble.

'Why?' He wanted to ask them but the ones he wanted to ask the question were not here anymore.

He felt like the world he had been living in for 32 years just crumbled down in mere seconds. While he was being torn apart by his emotional turmoil, the doorbell rang.

He let it rang for a few times as he did not have any mind to meet any guest at this state.

However, the noise persisted. He checked the clock and it was already 3am.

Ryan listlessly walked towards the door and opened it. As soon as he saw the person standing at the door, he greeted with a dull tone.

"Hello, doc. What is it?"

Uppers[1] - street name for amphetamine-based psycho-stimulant drugs