I Don’t Beat People Like That!

"Hurry, help me!"

"Ye Feng is beating me!"

When he heard Ye Ling's exclamation, Ye Mo's face sparked with fear, "No! Ye Feng, Ye Ling is framing you!"

Ye Mo had not imagined about such a fatal scheme against Ye Feng.

He then yelled with deep gasp, "Ye Feng, hurry! Leave here right now! You should never enter! They… want to kill you!"


Ye Feng became frozen in place. Closely after, he revealed a big smile. It was as if a demon let out a great smile as Ye Mo felt his blood freeze all over.

"Ye Mo, don't worry! I just miss someone inside the gate; by the way, I also want to kill someone!"

Ye Feng then patted Ye Mo's shoulder as he strode towards the threshold.

Watching Ye Feng's back, Ye Mo became petrified as he uttered, "He… he might be different than before..."