It’s So Good to be With You!

'I'm dismissed?'

After hearing Qin Xue's words, Director Wu trembled in fear, as if he was hit by a bolt of lightning on a sunny day.

He couldn't believe that the president could dismiss him only because of a brat's words!

Director Wu fixated onto Ye Feng with deep hatred as he exclaimed, "Brat, do you know that I work for young master Si? If you let the president dismiss me, you will not only offend me, but you will also offend young master Si!"

In the eyes of a commoner, young master Si was a dignified person.

However, after hearing his words, Ye Feng revealed a brutal sneer as he replied, "Young master Si? Who's that?"

After replying, Ye Feng looked straight at Director Wu's eyes as he added, "Also, do you think that you're getting off that easy?"

Ye Feng strode one step forward as he stared at Director Wu with a looming fatal intent, saying, "You're as good as dead!"

Ye Feng was driven mad!