Overwhelming Punch!

'How about tasting your own heart?'

When Old Man Heart Eating heard Ye Feng's words, his face became solemn.

"What a presumptuous little b*stard!"

"Did you think you could kill me by chopping off my palm through a cheeky sneak attack?"

Old Man Heart Eating revealed a faint fleer as he removed a metal ball from his pocket!

Closely after, he bent it forcefully!

With a creak, the metal ball instantly became a high quality steel claw.

Old Man Heart Eating revealed a faint smile. He then put it on his broken wrist, instantly turning his broken hand into a weapon.

"Artificial limb!"

Ye Feng became shortly stunned as he fixated onto the hand on the ground.

Not until then did he realize that only a part of the wrist bing connected to the hand was real.

The entire hand was actually a high-quality steel claw!