A Storm’s on its Way!

In a classic mansion of Xiangjiang City, an old man with a white beard and hair was writing something down on a piece of yellow paper!

If any celebrities in Xiangjiang City were near the mansion, they would instantly recognize the old man. He was Li Zongyao, one of the top 4 master-level powers across Huaxia Country, also known as Li Xiangjiang!

He moved his wrist fluently like a flying dragon, manifesting tadpoles on the paper, one after another!

Not until he finished his last stroke did Master Li let out a deep sigh!

"Oh! I finally completed the amulet!"

Master Li spoke loudly as he wiped off the sweat from his forehead. Apparently, it took him great spiritual and physical strength to complete the amulet!

"This amulet could resist the strike of a master-level power. I will gift it to Xiaosi when he comes back!"

When he thought about his talented apprentice, Master Li revealed great satisfaction.