Big Waves

In a pitch-dark office of Three-Edge Edifice in Tokyo, a middle-aged man was sitting quietly on a sofa. He was watching a video on a projector!

It was about the battle between Ye Feng and Li Zongyao!


When he saw Li Zongyao's head fly through the air, the middle-aged man felt his eyelids flicker rapidly as he paused the video at once!

"Fierce Spirit, what do you think about him?"

The middle-aged man took out of a pack of cigarettes and picked one out of the pack. He then flicked his lighter and took a puff.

After hearing his words, a Japanese warrior slowly appeared out of the dark as he answered with green light in his eyes, "Head, Ye Feng is too weird! I've watched the video dozens of times; however, I still can't figure out how he prevented Li Zongyao's original crystal from blowing up!"

This Japanese warrior looked like a hungry wolf who could make people shudder with fear unconsciously.

"Ye Feng?"