Interplanetary Hunters!

Watching the soul-killing rune in Ye Feng's hand, Demonic Dragon felt his eyelids flicker rapidly his body became covered with goosebumps!

Demonic Dragon knew that Ye Feng would definitely kill him with the soul-killing rune given his brutality!

"You… alright!"

Demonic Dragon clenched his teeth with anger as he surrendered, "Alright, I will tell you about them!"

"Hundreds of years ago, the forbidden system that sealed my matrix started to loosen! Therefore, I released an incarnation out of the seal and divided it into three parts, namely Immortal Dragon, Holy Dragon, and Wu Dragon who ruled one region respectively!"

As was predicted by Ye Feng, the three dragons indeed originated from Demonic Dragon!

Not until now did he confirm it!

Ye Feng then knitted his brow as he asked Demonic Dragon with confusion, "Why did you use so many incarnations?"