Is That Something Great?

'They're escaping!'

When the onlookers saw the last two dead guards escaping away, the entire sky lit up in clamors!


The green-skinned woman and the interplanetary hunters nearly ripped out their eyes with panic!

They had heard many stories about the brutality of the dead guards.

Even though the dead guards had not been seen for 100 years, they were still just as terrifying as ever before!

'He scared away the walking dead. That's f*cking crazy!'

Inside the largest warship, Grayson's face turned gloomy!

"B*stard! You're the dead guards! You cannot escape!"

Grayson almost spurted out blood in fury!

The dead guards were absolutely the most terrifying trump card of the direct descendants of the Gray Clan!

They would fight for their owners until death!

Unexpectedly, the remaining guards were fleeing in sheer terror!