Over 1,000 Years of Bitter Affection!

The Soul-Fighting Planet was on the border between the Milky Way Empire and another empire!

It didn't belong to any empire. 

Actually, it was an independent kingdom!

The Milky Way Empire and the other empire once attempted to encroach the Soul-Fighting Planet!

However, they failed, because of one person; a person who was the owner of the Soul-Fighting Planet, known as the Soul Owner!

The Soul Owner had a very mysterious behavior and rarely showed herself in public!

The ordinary affairs of the Soul-Fighting Planet were dealt with by the four soul generals subordinate to her!


In a tranquil tea house on the Soul-Fighting Planet, a beautiful maiden was sitting in a chair and leisurely tasting a cup of tea!

She was drinking Bitter Affection Tea!

Only this certain tea house could provide the special tea!

The maiden's face was as beautiful as a flower. She was sitting still and staring through a window.