

Author speaking, The next five chapters are about Gaara growing up as a baby. If you wish to skip this, by all means, do so through the simple action of reading the guide posted in the auxiliary volume.

If you are willing to proceed, enjoy!


Where am I? Didn't I die?

I thought I killed myself... Why am I in such a dark place?

It felt like a liquid was surrounding my whole entire body, providing me with comfort and warmth.

Well if this is heaven it sure is boring.

Shortly after I started to get comfortable, a sharp pain started to spread across my stomach. It felt as if though thousands of minuscule needles were being pressed onto it.

I wanted to scream in agony but I wasn't able to. The pain was so agonizing that I started to lose consciousness.

Before I could though, the pain disappeared and was replaced by a sudden burst of unbearable heat. So unbearable in fact, that it felt like I was being roasted alive.

Howling internally, my consciousness faded.


It's been an unknown amount of time since I arrived here, but it felt like an eternity.

During this time, I would sleep for most of the time, but when I was awake, my body would suffer monumental amounts of torture until I lost consciousness all over again.

It became an endless cycle of suffering. So much so, that I started to think that I was in hell. Matter of factly, I strongly believe it is.

What did I do? Was it the result of me being an atheist? I didn't do anything wrong! I don't deserve this kind of torture!

I continued to ask myself these questions, but suddenly, as if though it never existed, the pain started fading slowly until it came to naught.

Peace ensued.

I can't believe this... its finally gone! I'm free at last!

Before I could enjoy my peace and quiet though, the brightest light I had ever seen appeared in front of me.

Am I finally going to leave this place? After enduring so much... Am I finally free?

Directly after I started rejoicing, what felt like a huge hand grabbed hold of my leg and pulled me viciously.

Before I could ask any questions though, the hand dragged me out of that cursed environment and brought me up into the air.

I feel like I can't open my eyes, but I'm definitely somewhere else now. I could hear muffled voices around me, and the hand seemed to place me somewhere.

I then felt warmth all over my body, and what came next shocked the soul out of me. Although I couldn't hear anything properly, this message somehow made it through.

"I will always protect you... Gaara"

Before I could make sense of what that voice meant, I passed out.


An unknown amount of time later, I woke up and thus opened my eyes. I could see, but everything was a blurry mess. From what I could make out, I concluded that I was currently lying in a crib.

After a while of analyzing my situation, I think I've come up with a decent hypothesis.

I am a baby.

I don't know how this happened, but I seem to have been reborn like in one of those novels I used to read.

If this is true, then... Wait. Didn't I hear something before falling unconscious? Gaara!


It took me a while, but after some thinking, I believe that I managed to connect all of the dots. I might just have been reborn as Gaara.

Gaara of the Sand.

It's still just a theory, but if that's the case then I'm in the world of Naruto. And that's nothing to be happy about.

Sure, I get to use chakra, but I could die at any moment. The strong make the rules here!

But wait. Hehe...

If I'm reborn as Gaara, that means I get a head start on everyone else. Sure, it means that I won't be able to sleep anymore, but I can't be messed around with!

I'm no pushover anymore! I'll make everyone fear and respect me! Just you wait!

As I was rejoicing, a robotic voice resounded in my head. Making me jolt a little from the surprise.

[System booting up. Please wait, this may last a couple of seconds]

System? What is this about?

[Process complete. Welcome to the User Support System, or USS for short.

This is only an introduction, and the voice that you are currently hearing will disappear after the end of the speech, so please listen attentively.

Congratulations! You have successfully been reincarnated in the Naruto world! What you do from now on is completely up to you, but the system will be here to aid you to become a stronger individual.]

Nice, so it's like one of the systems that people wrote about back on earth. If so, it should prove to be extremely helpful.

[USS comes with three main features. These are:

Status// This will show the stats and level of the user in the form of a small holographic interface. It also shows information on the user and the different abilities they possess. To level up, the user must gain EXP mainly through doing quests. When leveling up, this won't affect the user's overall strength directly, giving out points instead. The amount of points given per level is ten.

Shop// This feature will only be available when the user levels up, and he or she can only buy one item at a time. The shop offers an unlimited amount of Ninjutsu, which can be bought with the aforementioned points. Points can be earned by leveling up or completing quests, any is fine.

The user can choose not to buy anything once they level up, but they won't be able to buy two or more items the next time they do, the points will just stack. The number of things available in the store will increase with the level of the user.

Furthermore, once a technique is bought, only the information on how to learn and train it will be handed to the user, instead of learning said technique immediately.

Memory// Here, the system stores information in the form of data always accessible to the user. The amount of information that the system can hold is infinite. This feature works similarly to a library for the user.

To use any of the features above, just think of them and they shall appear before you. With that, the introduction is over. Have fun!]

Wait! I have some que-


It's gone... Isn't it.